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Copper 12in Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Stucco Mount

Price $607.98
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Thunderbird Round Louvered Gable Wall Vents

Installation: Brick, Stone, Stucco, Wall, Wood
Application: Wall Vent

  • Louvered Gable End Vents are made of 16 ounce copper or stainless steel.
  • There are many standard sizes and mounting styles available.
  • Louvers are fixed and the vent is screened to keep insects and animals out.
  • Both copper and stainless steel look great and last much longer than standard aluminum and plastic vents.


  • Made of 16 ounce copper, or stainless steel
  • Fixed Louvers spaced 2" apart
  • Many sizes to choose from (custom sizes are available)
  • Includes screen to keep insects and animals out

Which Mounting Style?

Thunderbird Products' vents come in two different mounting styles:

  • The flush mount should be purchased if the siding of your building is already installed, or if your building is brick or stone.
  • The stucco mount model has a flashing is meant to be installed prior to the siding installation. This mount can best be used with stucco, or wood / vinyl siding (stucco mount vents must be installed underneath siding and water-proofing).

Part numbers

  • WLVR12F: 12" Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Flush Mount
  • WLVR12J: 12" Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Stucco Mount
  • WLVR18F: 18" Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Flush Mount
  • WLVR18J: 18" Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Stucco Mount
  • WLVR24F: 24" Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Flush Mount
  • WLVR24J: 24" Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Stucco Mount

The Copper 12in Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Stucco Mount by Thunderbird Products is the perfect solution for maintaining proper ventilation in your home or building. Made from high-quality 16 ounce copper or stainless steel, this wall vent is built to last and withstand the test of time.

With its fixed louvers spaced 2 inches apart, this vent ensures optimal airflow while also keeping insects and animals out. The included screen provides an added layer of protection, giving you peace of mind.

One of the standout features of this wall vent is its versatility. With many standard sizes available, you can easily find the perfect fit for your needs. If you require a custom size, Thunderbird Products can accommodate your request.

When it comes to installation, Thunderbird Products offers two different mounting styles for their vents. The flush mount is ideal for buildings with existing siding, or for those made of brick or stone. On the other hand, the stucco mount model includes a flashing and is designed to be installed prior to siding, making it a great choice for stucco, wood, or vinyl siding.

To make your selection easier, this product is available in various part numbers depending on the size and mounting style. Choose from options such as the 12" Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Flush Mount (WLVR12F) or the 24" Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Stucco Mount (WLVR24J).

When it comes to ventilation, the Copper 12in Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Stucco Mount is the perfect choice. Not only does it provide optimal airflow, but it also adds a touch of elegance with its sleek copper or stainless steel design. Trust Thunderbird Products for all your ventilation needs and enjoy the benefits of a well-ventilated space.
Thunderbird Products Thunderbird WLVR12J Copper 12in Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Stucco Mount

Copper 12in Round Louvered Gable Wall Vent Stucco Mount
