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CMI RP109 Micro Climber Nyln sheave, Bush

Price $62.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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The CMI RP109 Micro Climber Nyln sheave, Bush is a high-quality climbing tool designed for professionals and adventurers alike. With its sleek design and durable construction, this standard model is sure to impress.

Featuring purple anodized aluminum sideplates, this micro climber is not only stylish but also built to withstand the toughest conditions. The 1 1/4" nylon sheave is designed to provide a smooth and efficient rope movement, ensuring a safe and reliable climbing experience.

Equipped with a bushing and aluminum axle, this micro climber ensures stability and ease of use. The bushing allows for smooth rotation, while the aluminum axle provides strength and durability. You can trust the CMI RP109 to support you during your climbs, offering a maximum breaking strength (MBS) of 7000lbs.

With a rope capacity of 1/2", this micro climber is suitable for a variety of climbing needs. Whether you're scaling rocky terrains or climbing trees, this versatile tool will help you conquer any challenge. Its compact size, measuring at 2.75x1.85 inches, ensures easy and hassle-free transportation.

Weighing in at a mere 0.15lb, this micro climber is lightweight and comfortable to use. The ergonomic design provides a firm grip, allowing for precise movements and increased efficiency. Its efficiency rating of 84.1% guarantees optimal performance, making your climbs smoother and more enjoyable.

The CMI RP109 Micro Climber Nyln sheave, Bush is a must-have tool for climbers of all levels. Whether you’re a professional climber or just starting out, this micro climber will enhance your climbing experience and provide the support you need. So gear up and get ready to tackle new heights with confidence and ease.
 CMI RP109 Micro Climber Nyln sheave, Bush

CMI RP109 Micro Climber Nyln sheave, Bush
