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Carton Rack W/Gravity Roll 48 In 4 Lvl

Price $2,581.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days | This ships Freight
* Estimate is for US customers only.
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The Vestil FLOW-4-4 48" 4 Level Carton Flow Rack is the perfect solution for warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and other businesses that need an easy and efficient way to organize and rotate stock. This highly functional and versatile rack features four levels, with each level including four pairs of rollers and five divider sections, giving you ample space to store and sort cartons. The rollers are gravity-fed, ensuring that the oldest stock is always in the front, making it easy to retrieve items when you need them.

The carton Flow Rack measures 48 inches wide, so it can accommodate a wide range of carton sizes. Plus, you can choose the quantity of levels that best fits your company's needs. If you need additional depth, you can bolt units together for even more storage space. This makes it easy for you to customize your storage solution to meet your specific needs.

One of the main benefits of the Vestil FLOW-4-4 48" 4 Level Carton Flow Rack is that it allows for easy movement of stock, which ultimately saves you time and money. By using gravity to move cartons, you can easily access the items you need without having to sort through boxes to find the right one. This not only reduces the risk of injury from lifting, but it also increases productivity by allowing you to quickly locate items.

Overall, the Vestil FLOW-4-4 48" 4 Level Carton Flow Rack is an excellent choice for businesses looking for a reliable and efficient way to organize and rotate stock. With its sturdy construction, ample storage space, and customizable design, it is sure to meet the needs of any organization. So if you're looking for a way to optimize your storage, consider investing in this high-quality carton Flow Rack today.
 Vestil FLOW-4-4 48" 4 Level Carton Flow Rack

Carton Rack W/Gravity Roll 48 In 4 Lvl
