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San Angelo Digging Bar - 20 Lb 84"

Price $157.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days
* Estimate is for US customers only.
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Looking for a tool that can help you dig through tough soils and rocky terrains? Look no further than the Bon Tool 27-199 San Angelo Digging Bar – a powerful and durable tool that is designed to take on the toughest digging challenges. This bar boasts a weight of 20 pounds and an impressive length of 84 inches, making it one of the most powerful and efficient digging tools on the market.

The Bon Tool 27-199 San Angelo Digging Bar features a hexagonal shape grip with a 1-inch hex at one end, plus a round point tip at the other end with a width of 2 inches. This unique design ensures that you can effectively grip and control the bar to maximize your digging power and accuracy. With this tool in hand, you can easily tackle any digging challenge, from creating post holes to planting trees, landscaping, and much more.

One of the standout features of this digging bar is its exceptional durability, thanks to its high-quality construction materials and design. Made from toughened steel, the Bon Tool 27-199 San Angelo Digging Bar is designed to withstand the toughest digging tasks without bending or breaking, so you can be sure that it will serve you faithfully for years to come.

Whether you're a professional landscaper or a DIY enthusiast, this versatile and sturdy digging bar is a must-have tool that will take the hard work out of even the toughest of digging projects. So why wait? Order your Bon Tool 27-199 San Angelo Digging Bar today and get ready to experience the power and versatility of this amazing digging tool!

View the full line of Digging BarsCrow Bars, and Landscape Tools

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 Bon Tool 27-199 San Angelo Digging Bar - 20 Lb 84"

San Angelo Digging Bar - 20 Lb 84"
