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4in Concrete Filled Column 8ft 6in (1ea)

Price $285.98
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Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days
* Estimate is for US customers only.
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The Mutual Industries 200007-0-0 4in Concrete Filled Column 8ft 6in (1ea) is a reliable and durable product that is designed to provide unparalleled support to structures of all shapes and sizes. It is perfect for use in concrete construction and can withstand harsh weather conditions and heavy loads, making it perfect for industrial and commercial applications.

This concrete-filled column is composed of high-quality materials that ensure it can last for years without any need for replacement or repair. The materials used in its construction are resistant to rust, corrosion and sun damage. The column is also highly resistant to pests, termites, and other forms of infestation which can weaken its structural integrity over time.

The column measures 8ft 6in in height and has an impressive 4in diameter. This makes it suitable for use in a variety of applications, including support beams, load-bearing columns, and even as structural fence posts. It is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance, allowing you to save money and time while enjoying the reliability and durability of this product.

The Mutual Industries 200007-0-0 4in Concrete Filled Column 8ft 6in (1ea) is a versatile and reliable product that is perfect for your next concrete construction project. Whether you're building a new structure or replacing an existing one, this column is an excellent choice. Its robust construction and durable materials make it a long-lasting investment that will provide exceptional value for years to come. Order yours today and experience the quality and reliability that Mutual Industries is renowned for.
 Mutual Industries 200007-0-0 4in Concrete Filled Column 8ft 6in

4in Concrete Filled Column 8ft 6in (1ea)
