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Solar Panel Mounting Bracket for SolarNAPL System

Price $410.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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TR-51615 Solar Panel Mounting Bracket, single | DGSI Slope Indicator Environmental Products

Optional Mounting Bracket for DGSI Solar Systems

  • SolarNAPL uses the sun’s renewable energy as the only power source necessary to operate recovery pumps
  • A solar-powered air compressor which can be configured to run the POD Skimmer or to provide an air source to power the optional F.A.P. Plus™ pump skimming system for product recovery.
  • It uses the sun’s renewable energy as the only power source necessary to operate recovery pumps and is an excellent option for remote locations.
  • The SolarNAPL control panel is not rated for use in XP areas. For application such as inside tank farm berms, the units can be pole mounted above the XP area.
  • The SolarNAPL System can be configured to operate multiple F.A.P. Plus™ Skimming Pumps and can be trailer mounted for greater on-site mobility.

The SolarNAPL™ System is a Solar Rem system configured to provide an air source to power the optional F.A.P. Plus™ pump skimming system for product recovery. The system uses a solar panel to charge the special AGM deep cycle battery (ordered separately) specially designed for use in solar applications. The battery powers the internal DC compressor. The control panel includes a PLC allowing the operator to set system On/Off times consistent with the air requirements of the pump. The On/Off times are user defined and based on the amount of product to recover, the well’s recovery rate, and the F.A.P. Plus’ pumping rate of approximately 0.18 gpm.

SolarRem™ is a patented solar-powered air compressor which can be configured to run various pneumatic pumps or used for air sparging. These pump assemblies are optional. Because it uses the sun’s energy — a renewable resource — as the only power source necessary to operate recovery pumps, the SolarRem™ system is particularly friendly to the environment.


The SolarRem system can be configured for the following applications:

  • LNAPL recovery
  • DNAPL recovery
  • Gas condensate recovery
  • Groundwater pumping
  • Air sparging

SolarNAPL Specifications

  • Compressor Pump Type: Piston Pump
  • Max. Rated Pressure: 100 psi
  • Operating Flow Rate: 0.79 scfm at 0 psi
  • 0.24 scfm at 100 psi
  • Operating Pressure Range: 25-100 psi
  • Hysteresis (Dead Band): 20%
  • Housing Type: NEMA 4 metal Box
  • Air Receiver Tank Capacity: 7.5 gal
  • Battery: 120 Ah
  • Advanced Glass Matte type
  • Solar Panel Capacity: 60-120 W
  • Weight: 210 lb (95 kg)
  • Shipping Volume: 9 ft³ (0.25 m³)


 Durham Geo TR-51615 Solar Panel Mounting Bracket (Single)

Solar Panel Mounting Bracket for SolarNAPL System
