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Manual Modified Soil Compaction Hammer, 18in Drop, 10 Lb.

Price $132.98
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1 unit

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The Manual Modified Soil Compaction Hammer is an essential tool for soil testing and diagnosis. Designed to perform Proctor testing, this hammer is constructed with a 10lb (4.5kg) mass enclosed in a guide sleeve with vent holes that ensure unrestricted free-fall. With a drop height of 18in (457mm), this hammer ensures an accurate and consistent result every time.

Made from rust-resistant plated steel, this manual soil rammer is built to last. It features a 2in (51mm) circular face that lets you mold soil samples with precision and ease. The hammer has been constructed to meet various test methods, including AASHTO T134, AASHTO T135, AASHTO T136, AASHTO T180, AASHTO T99, ASTM D 1557, ASTM D 1558, ASTM D 558, ASTM D 559, and ASTM D 698.

The Manual Modified Soil Compaction Hammer is perfect for geotechnical engineers, material testing laboratories, and construction companies that need to ensure top-quality results for their projects. With its heavy weight and vented guide sleeve, it offers accurate compaction and maximum consistency in every test. With this hammer, you can rely on precise and reliable soil density measurement.

This manual soil rammer is versatile and perfect for use in different environments. Whether you need to work on sandy soil, silt, clay, or gravel, this hammer can perform effectively. It is essential in achieving accurate soil compaction for building foundations, retaining walls, embankments, and roadways.

Overall, the Manual Modified Soil Compaction Hammer is a reliable, precise, and long-lasting manual hammer that performs well in various environments. Whether you're an engineer, laboratory technician, or construction professional, this hammer is an essential tool for testing soil compaction accurately. Get yours today and obtain reliable results for your projects.

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Houghton Manual Modified Soil Compaction Hammer, 18in Drop, 10 Lb.

Manual Modified Soil Compaction Hammer, 18in Drop, 10 Lb.
