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1413 microsecond/cm Conductivity Stand (1 Gallon)

Price $147.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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Product Details

HANNA INSTRUMENTS HI7031/1G 1413 MICROSECOND/CM CONDUCTIVITY STANDARD (1 GALLON) is designed with premium quality to meet the needs of those who require accurate and reliable calibration solutions for their conductivity meters. This conductivity standard solution is formulated using NIST traceable potassium chloride solution to ensure its accuracy and consistency.

The study of conductivity requires accurate measurements to correctly interpret the results. Hanna Instruments HI7031/1G 1413 microsecond/cm Conductivity Standard is the solution for all your conductivity measurements that require high-level precision. Whether you are conducting laboratory experiments, quality control, or research and development, this conductivity solution is perfect to calibrate your measuring instruments for outstanding reading accuracy.

Hanna Instruments HI7031/1G 1413 microsecond/cm Conductivity Standard comes in a 1-gallon bottle, tightly sealed to protect the solution from external factors that may affect its quality and consistency. Every bottle of Hanna conductivity solutions carries a lot number and expiration date for better traceability, making it easy to manage and control the product's shelf life.

Furthermore, each bottle has a temperature chart indicating the actual conductivity value at different temperatures, making it easier for users to adjust measurements when working with varying temperatures.

In conclusion, Hanna Instruments HI7031/1G 1413 microsecond/cm Conductivity Standard is a reliable and accurate calibration solution for your conductivity meters. With its premium quality, NIST traceability, and long shelf life, it gives users peace of mind and confidence in their measurements, making it a must-have for those who demand the highest level of precision and accuracy in their work.
 Hanna Instruments HI7031/1G 1413 microsecond/cm Conductivity Standard (1 Gallon)

1413 microsecond/cm Conductivity Stand (1 Gallon)
