Whitehouse Sieve Calibration Standards No.400 (38 micrometer)
Calibration Standards
Calibration standards are essential in the world of particle size analysis, to ensure test sieves give accurate and reliable results. These standards are made from high quality materials, such as glass microspheres, to give a precise and consistent measurement of sieve performance. By using calibration standards, labs and industries can prove their sieves are working correctly, so their testing processes are sound.
Calibration standards cover many industries, from pharmaceuticals to food processing and construction. In each of these sectors, particle size analysis accuracy is key and calibration standards are vital to that accuracy. By giving a benchmark for sieve performance, these standards ensure particle size analysis results are consistent and reliable.
What are Sieve Standards
Sieve standards are key to particle size analysis accuracy. A sieve standard is a set of calibrated sieves used to test test sieves. These standards are used in many industries, from pharmaceuticals to food processing and construction where precise particle size measurement is critical. By using sieve standards, industries can prove their test sieves are working correctly, so results are consistent and reliable. Understanding sieve standards helps to keep the testing process sound and ensures the sieves used are to specification. Sometimes special equipment is required to get precise and reliable calibration results, which shows how complex and important the calibration process is.
Whitehouse Sieve Calibration Standards
Whitehouse Sieve Standards allow you to calibrate No.6 (3.35mm) and finer sieves with traceability to NIST. New sieves with mean aperture numbers make calibration using Calibrated Microspheres easier. Calibrations can be done in minutes, no need to send the sieves back or have them out of service. Periodic checks are an indicator of when to replace sieves, and using a sample of certified beads makes measurements more accurate and reliable. Each Whitehouse Standard comes with 5 single use vials of glass beads for one sieve size. 1 vial for 8in or 200mm sieves, 2-5 vials for sieves up to 18in or 450mm. After processing the average aperture is read from the calibration graph provided.
Whitehouse have been chosen by the Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) to produce standards for the European Community. Whitehouse Sieve Standards are traceable to NIST and NPL and BCR. The beads are highly spherical and made from 2.45 specific gravity soda-lime glass and certified for size using electroformed sieves with checks using microscopy and image analysis.
Whitehouse Sieve Standards for No.400 (38µm) sieves are supplied with 5 vials, each 1.0g.
For calibration and performance testing of No. 400 (38µm) sieves
NIST traceable
Aperture reading in minutes using calibration graph
No. 400 (38µm) Whitehouse Sieve Standards
Calibration graph
Features and Benefits
Accurate: Calibration standards give a precise and consistent measurement of sieve performance, which is critical for particle size analysis. This eliminates errors and ensures results are reliable.
Reliable: By proving sieves are working correctly, calibration standards reduce the risk of inconsistencies and errors in particle size analysis. This is critical for product quality and consistency.
Simple: Designed for simplicity, calibration standards make checking sieve performance easy and quick. This makes the calibration process fast and accurate.
High Quality: Made from glass microspheres by the unique microsphere method, calibration standards give accurate and reliable measurements. High quality materials also make the standards more durable.
Traceable to International Standards: Calibration standards are traceable to NIST and NPL. This means the results are not only accurate but also globally accepted.
By using calibration standards in their testing, laboratories and industries can prove their test sieves are working correctly. This is critical for applications where particle size analysis is critical such as pharmaceutical, food processing and construction. Calibration standards help maintain product quality and consistency so products meet specifications and standards.
Test Sieves
Mesh Opening Size: No.400 (38µm)
Weight per Vial: 1.0g
Number of Vials: 5
Shipping Weight: 1.0lb (0.45kg)
Sieve Calibration and Test Sieves
Sieve calibration is the process of proving a test sieve is accurate. The link between calibration standards and test sieves is critical for results to be reliable. This is done using calibration standards which are sets of microspheres made from glass or other materials. The calibration process involves passing the unique microsphere method through the test sieve and measuring the percentage that pass through. This information is then used to create a calibration graph which is used to check the test sieve. Accurate sieve calibration is critical to get reliable and consistent results. Different types of test sieves are used for different analysis and calibration ensures each sieve meets the required standards.
Applications and Industries
Sieve calibration and test sieves are used in many industries. In pharmaceutical industry, sieve calibration is used to prove particle size analysis which is critical in drug production. In food processing industry, sieve calibration is used to prove food product quality. In construction industry, sieve calibration is used to prove building material quality. Accurate sieve calibration is critical in these industries to maintain product quality and consistency. By using calibrated test sieves, industries can prove their products meet specifications and standards.
Please note that payment for calibration services must be made within 14 days of the invoice date to avoid any delays.
Using and Maintaining Whitehouse Sieve Standards
Whitehouse sieve standards are a type of calibration standard used in sieve calibration. These standards are made from glass and the unique microsphere method that are precisely calibrated to specific sizes. To use Whitehouse sieve standards, follow the storage and handling procedure to maintain their accuracy. Store the vials in a cool, dry place and handle with care to avoid contamination. Check the standards regularly by comparing to the calibration graph. Regular maintenance and verification is critical to ensure sieve calibration and testing process is intact. By following these guidelines you can get reliable and consistent results from your Whitehouse sieve standards.