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Non Destructive Testing

Non Destructive Testing

Get the best equipment available for non destructive concrete testing, with innovative tools that help you test existing structures without causing damage. 

Non destructive testing (NDT) of concrete structures is a crucial quality control process used to determine certain physical properties, like durability, of reinforced concrete surfaces without causing any damage to the structure itself. This type of testing is used to identify the presence of defects or damage that might not be visible through visual inspection. 

Our equipment lets you test foundations, columns, beams, and more, enabling early detection of potential structural issues. Get the equipment for non destructive tests at CertifiedMTP, or keep reading to learn more about NDT for concrete.

How to Test Hardened Concrete Without Damage

There are several techniques for non destructive testing of concrete surfaces, all of which require various materials.

UPV Test

The ultrasonic pulse velocity testing of concrete involves the transmission of high frequency sound waves through the concrete, which are then received by a sensor. You need a velocity meter to transmit ultrasonic pulses. The speed of the sound waves is measured by the ultrasonic pulse passing through the material, which indicates the concrete’s quality, homogeneity, integrity, and actual compressive strength. If the sound waves travel quickly, the concrete is strong and durable.

Ultrasonic pulse velocity tests can also detect voids and delamination or estimate the depth of cracks and other defects in structural concrete units. They provide immediate results and allow you to test large areas quickly and efficiently. However, pulse velocity measurements can be challenging to interpret. Plus, the presence of reinforcing steel can affect the measurements.

Rebound Hammer Test

Another popular testing of concrete used for NDT of concrete is the concrete rebound hammer test. The concrete rebound hammer test technique involves using a device that strikes the test surface of the concrete with a spring loaded hammer. Im the rebound hammer test, the rebound is measured, which indicates the concrete’s strength and surface hardness. A higher rebound number indicates stronger, more durable concrete. 

The hammer test is widely used because it’s simple, portable, and provides a surface level assessment. It can give you quick results for deteriorated concrete. Notably, factors like surface texture and moisture content of concrete affects the results.

Impact Echo Test

The impact echo test involves striking the concrete surface with a mechanical device to induce stress waves. The resulting echoes are analyzed to detect defects like cracks, voids, and delamination, as well as determine their depth and extent. 

Impact echo testing of concrete provides valuable information about the condition of concrete elements, allowing for early detection of hidden defects and accurate assessment of structural integrity. It’s particularly suitable for assessing slabs, walls, and bridge decks.

Electrical Resistivity

Another technique is the electrical resistivity test. This technique involves the measurement of the electrical resistance, which indicates the quality and potential durability of the concrete. A higher electrical resistivity value indicates better quality. 

Other Techniques

There are various other techniques, including infrared thermography, half cell potential mapping, pull out test method, and the Windsor probe test, often considered the best method for testing penetration. There are also radioactive methods to measure density or ground penetrating radar tests to determine integrity. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and each requires different equipment.

Essential Equipment for Non Destructive Concrete Testing

You need specialized equipment to carry out non destructive concrete testing. At CertifiedMTP, we offer a comprehensive range of testing equipment designed to be accurate and reliable. 

For the ultrasonic pulse velocity method, we offer velocity testers with touchscreen units and dual core processors, allowing the best possible analysis of waveforms. Meanwhile, for rebound hammer testing, we have a comprehensive range of concrete test hammers to suit all needs and budgets. This includes the Type N Schmidt Hammer, our most popular option.

We also stock GPR systems, including the Humboldt Concrete Scanner and Proceq GS8000 Subsurface GPR. If you prefer the cost effectiveness of the pull out method, we sell the equipment required, including the specially shaped steel rod or hardened alloy probes for the Windsor method.

Whatever you need for concrete testing, we have it at Certified MTP

Key Benefits of Non Destructive Concrete Testing

Non destructive testing of concrete is essential to ensure the quality and durability of a concrete structure. Although no direct measurement of strength is possible, NDT of concrete provides accurate and reliable data about the condition, strength, and durability of concrete. 

It assesses the quality and identifies potential issues, defects, or relatively more vulnerable areas. Unlike other methods, contractors can do it without damaging the structure itself. By identifying these hidden defects or weaknesses, non destructive testing helps ensure the safety of buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure, preventing potential hazards and structural failures.

Non destructive methods are cost effective techniques because you don’t need to collect test samples, replace materials, or carry out repairs. Similarly, there is minimal disruption to the building process, allowing projects to run smoothly without unnecessary delays or interruptions.

Many non destructive testing methods also provide real time results, enabling prompt decision making and allowing construction projects to progress efficiently. 

Get Non Destructive Testing Materials at Certified MTP

Here at Certified MTP, we offer a comprehensive selection of high quality equipment and materials. Our range includes everything you need to safely test reinforced concrete structures without damage, ensuring accurate and reliable testing every time. From ultrasonic pulse velocity testing to the rebound hammer method, we have you covered. 

We even have fresh concrete testing apparatus to help you at every stage of the process.

Don’t compromise on the quality of your non destructive testing equipment and non destructive tests. Browse our collection today or contact us for more information.


1. Why Should I Use a Non Destructive Concrete Testing Method?

Non destructive testing allows you to evaluate the concrete properties without causing damage to the structure. Non destructive testing techniques are cost effective, provide real time results, and minimize disruption to ongoing construction operations. They also allow you to assess large areas of structures, providing valuable insights into the condition and integrity of concrete without the need for extensive sample collection.

2. Can non destructive concrete testing methods determine the strength and quality of concrete?

Yes. NDT methods can give you valuable information about the strength and concrete quality. Techniques such as rebound hammer testing, UPV, and the pulse echo method can estimate the concrete compressive strength based on the measured properties of the material. These methods are a non invasive way to assess concrete strength, identify areas of weakness, and evaluate the overall quality. 

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