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Min-Max Thermometer, Digital, Mercury Free

Price $29.98
Minimum Purchase:
3 units

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days
* Estimate is for US customers only.
* Shipping and Import Duties are calculated at checkout.
See Product Information

Min-Max Thermometer, Digital, Mercury Free

Mercury free, this environmentally friendly Min-Max Thermometer features a classic dual Fahrenheit and centigrade scale displaying the current temperature and a digital display tracking the lowest and highest registered temperatures within a given period.

You’ll soon be able to work out the extreme differences in temperature, and plan accordingly.  Find out the changes in ambient temperature.

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Suitable for indoor & outdoor use
  • Use free standing or hang
  • Mercury free
  • Dual Range -40 to 120°F, (-40 to 50°C)
  • Length 8", Div. 2°F and 1°C.
  • Current temperature displayed in °F and °C on the spirit filled sticks
  • Min. and Max. in °F and °C on the digital read out
Min-Max Thermometer, Digital, Mercury Free

Min-Max Thermometer, Digital, Mercury Free
