
Concrete Corrosion Testing and Mapping System

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Concrete Corrosion Testing and Mapping System

The Corrosion Mapping System quickly determines the condition or likelihood of chloride induced corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete through advanced corrosion detection and testing. Using the half-cell method, the instrument is used to scan bridge decks, highway slabs, walls and other structures.

Steel in concrete is normally passive to corrosion until chlorides cause anodic and cathodic areas to form and the associated corrosion current to flow. Half-cell measurements are an indicator of corrosion activity. The half-cell is electrically connected to the concrete by a water saturated foam sponge. By connecting a cable from the meter to a rebar in the structure, the circuit is complete. The resulting reading is an indication of the corrosion activity of the steel near the reference cell. The probe can be attached to a long handle for ceiling.

Data can be plotted to create a graphic representation of the structure. From this plot, as shown above, you can determine probable corrosion areas and total area of structure that is corroding. Measuring the depth of concrete cover as part of the corrosion survey is critical to understand the extent of deterioration and to inform repair plans.

Includes high-impedance meter, reference electrode with surfactant reservoir, dispensing sponge, two 15in (381mm) extensions, reel with 250ft (76M) of wire, reference guide and operating manual, all in a plastic case. Meter has memory for 15,866 half-cell readings. Rebar meter is optional.

Meets Test Methods:

Our Concrete Corrosion Mapping System (CCMS) meets the ASTM C-876 standard test method.

The kit has everything you need to perform a corrosion survey on all types of reinforced concrete structures, bridge decks, highway slabs and parking garages.


  • LC-4.5 Voltmeter (Item #5203)

  • Red, 6 ft Lead with 27-C (40 Amp) Clip (Item #33808)

  • Black, 6 ft Lead with 27-C (40 Amp) Clip (Item #34903)

  • Sponge Bottle Electrode - Copper Sulfate Version (Item #15625)

  • RE-2.5U Electrode (Item #14905)

  • Surfactant Solution, 4 oz (Item #15628)

  • Anti-freeze Solution, 8 oz Bottle (Item #17105 )

  • Copper Sulfate Crystals, 12 oz Bottle (Item #16906)

  • 15 inch Intermediate Electrode Extension (Item #16200)

  • Electrode Extension Adapter for LC-4.5 Voltmeter (Item #5701)

  • Agra Reel with 250 ft #16 AWG Red Wire (Item #30510-250)

  • 6 ft Banana Plug Test Lead (Item #34120)

  • Pelican Carrying Case for CCMS (Item #CAS015)

  • Foam Insert for CCMS Carrying Case (Item #CAS018)

Overview of Concrete Corrosion Testing

Concrete corrosion testing is a crucial process for assessing the condition of reinforced concrete structures. It involves evaluating the potential for corrosion and determining the rate of corrosion in the concrete. This is essential for identifying potential problems and taking corrective action to prevent damage to the structure. Concrete corrosion testing can be conducted using various methods, including the half-cell potential test, electrical resistivity testing, and chloride ion content testing. These methods can help identify areas of corrosion and determine the extent of the damage.

Concrete Corrosion in Structures

Concrete corrosion is a major problem for concrete structures. Signs of deteriorating concrete, such as cracks and rust stains, can lead to safety concerns and increased maintenance costs over time. It occurs when the steel in the concrete corrodes and reduces the structure’s strength and stability. Concrete corrosion can be caused by many things, exposure to aggressive environments, poor concrete quality and lack of maintenance. Understanding the causes and effects of concrete corrosion is key to developing a plan to prevent and mitigate.

Understanding Concrete Corrosion

Concrete corrosion is a complex process that involves the interaction of various factors, including the type of aggregate used in the concrete, the amount of water present, and the presence of chloride ions. Chloride-induced corrosion is a common type of corrosion that occurs when chloride ions penetrate the concrete and reach the steel reinforcement, causing it to corrode. Carbonation is another type of corrosion that occurs when carbon dioxide in the air reacts with the concrete, causing it to deteriorate. Understanding the corrosion process is essential for developing effective strategies for preventing and mitigating corrosion in concrete structures.

Reinforced Concrete Documents


  • Concrete Corrosion Mapping System Manual (MAN060)


  • Concrete Corrosion Mapping System 2018 Catalog Brochure

Corrosion on Concrete Surfaces

Assessing corrosion on concrete surfaces is a key part of evaluating a concrete structure. Monitoring corrosion in concrete surfaces is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of reinforced concrete structures. There are several ways to assess corrosion, visual inspection, half-cell potential method and electrical resistivity testing. Visual inspection is looking at the concrete surface for signs of corrosion, cracks, spalls and rust stains. Half-cell potential method is measuring the electrical potential between the steel and the concrete, which will indicate corrosion. Electrical resistivity testing is measuring the resistance of the concrete to the flow of electric current, which will indicate corrosion.

Evaluating the Concrete Surface

Evaluating the concrete surface is an important step in assessing the condition of a reinforced concrete structure. The concrete surface can provide valuable information about the potential for corrosion and the extent of any damage. Visual inspections can be used to identify signs of corrosion, such as cracks, spalls, and rust stains. Non-destructive testing methods, such as impact echo and pulse velocity testing, can also be used to evaluate the concrete surface and identify areas of deterioration. Additionally, concrete cover can be measured to determine the depth of the concrete cover and identify areas where the cover is inadequate.

Factors that Affect Chloride Induced Corrosion Rate in Steel Reinforcement

Several factors can affect the rate of rebar corrosion in steel reinforcement in concrete, including the type of aggregate used, the amount of water present, the amount of chloride ions present, and the level of carbonation. The type of aggregate used can affect the corrosion rate by affecting the pH of the concrete which affects the corrosion process. The amount of water present can also affect the corrosion rate by affecting the flow of ions and the availability of oxygen. Chloride ions can accelerate the corrosion process by breaking down the passive layer on the steel reinforcement surface. Carbonation can also affect the corrosion rate by reducing the pH of the concrete and increasing the availability of oxygen.

M.C. Miller 15620 Benefits

The M.C. Miller 15620 is a non-destructive testing method to evaluate the condition of concrete structures. The system is particularly effective in assessing reinforcement corrosion in steel rebar within concrete structures. The system uses electrical resistivity testing and half-cell potential method to measure the corrosion rate of steel reinforcement. Benefits of the M.C. Miller 15620 are accurate and reliable results, non-destructive and easy to use. Can be used to evaluate concrete structures in many environments, bridges, buildings and parking structures.

Implementation and Guidelines

Implementing an active corrosion monitoring program for concrete structures requires planning and execution. Regular monitoring of steel corrosion is crucial for maintaining the durability and safety of concrete structures. Guidelines are selecting the right concrete corrosion test method, calibrating the testing equipment and ensuring the testing is done by qualified personnel. Also ensure the testing is done regularly and results are interpreted correctly. Also develop a maintenance plan that addresses the root causes of active corrosion and implement measures to prevent future corrosion. By following these guidelines, asset owners and managers can keep their concrete structures safe and durable for years to come.

Concrete Corrosion Testing and Mapping System

Concrete Corrosion Testing and Mapping System
