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ASTM C87/87M Standards for Cement Tests

The ASTM C87/87M standard, titled "Standard Test Method for Effect of Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate on Strength of Mortar," provides guidelines and procedures for evaluating the effect of organic impurities present in fine aggregates on the strength of mortar.

This standard helps assess the potential deleterious effects of organic materials, such as humus, coal, and lignite, on the performance and durability of mortar. It involves subjecting mortar specimens to the presence of organic impurities and comparing their strength with control specimens to determine any adverse effects.

Products associated with ASTM C87/87M include fine aggregate samples, which are tested for the presence of organic impurities. Testing equipment such as sieves, containers, and mixing apparatus may be used in the sample preparation process.

By adhering to ASTM C87/87M and utilizing associated products, engineers, researchers, and testing laboratories can assess the quality and performance of fine aggregates used in mortar production. This information helps ensure the durability and longevity of mortar-based constructions.
