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Cement Blaine Apparatus, Air Permeability Test

Price $736.98
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Blaine Apparatus measures the fineness of Portland Cement by measuring the specific surface expressed as total surface area in square centimeters per gram of test sample. A quantity of air is drawn through a bed of definite porosity and the rate of airflow is determined by the pore volume in the bed, a function of the size of particles.

The parts of the apparatus are a stainless steel holding test cell, plunger, perforated disc, calibrated U-tube manometer, rubber aspirator and bulb, all mounted on a wooden panel with a base. 8oz bottle of red spirit manometer fluid, filter paper, woodblock for holding test cell during filling.

NIST Portland Cement #46h is the reference material for ASTM and AASHTO standards for the apparatus.


  • Meets ASTM C204 and AASHTO T 153

  • Wood panel and base

  • Includes all parts

  • Product Dimensions 10 x 10 x 16in (254 x 254 x 406mm), WxDxH

Included Items:

  • Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus- Wood panel and base

  • Stainless-steel holding test cell

  • Plunger

  • Perforated disc

  • Calibrated U-tube manometer

  • Rubber aspirator and bulb

  • 8oz Red spirit manometer fluid

  • Filter paper

  • Woodblock for holding test cell

Meets Test Methods:




The Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus is a popular laboratory instrument used to measure the fineness of Portland cement. This apparatus measures the specific surface area of fine materials in square centimeters per gram of the test sampl. Determining the square centimeters per gram is a critical factor in Portland cement quality and performance. By measuring the specific surface, the Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus provides vital data for quality control and assurance in the Portland cement industry to ensure the Portland cement meets the required standards for construction and other applications.

Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus Parts

The Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus consists of the following parts:

  • Stainless steel test cell to hold the test sample

  • Calibrated U-tube manometer filled with red manometer fluid to measure the pressure differential

  • Ground glass joint for a tight seal

  • Perforated disc to support the test sample

  • Rubber aspirator bulb to draw air through the sample

  • Filter paper to maintain the test integrity

  • Woodblock to hold the cell during filling for stability and ease of use

Reference Test Method

The reference test method B for the Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus is as follows:

  1. Prepare the test sample and place it in the stainless steel test cell

  2. Assemble the apparatus making sure all parts are in place

  3. Fill the calibrated U-tube manometer with red manometer fluid to the desired level

  4. Draw air through the sample using the rubber aspirator bulb

  5. Measure the change in the liquid level in the U-tube manometer

  6. Calculate the specific surface area of the test sample from the airflow measurement

Standards and Uses

The  Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus is used to measure the fineness of Portland cement to ASTM C204 and AASHTO T153 standards. These standards provide the complete test procedure method including setup, test procedure and calculation of specific surface area. The automated Blaine apparatus is used in the cement industry for quality control and assurance to ensure the cement meets the standards for performance and durability.

Accuracy and Reliability

The electronic Blaine Apparatus is designed to give accurate and reliable measurements of the fineness of Portland cement. The apparatus is calibrated to precise measurements and regular maintenance and calibration is required to maintain its accuracy. The use of a calibrated U-tube manometer and stainless steel test cell ensures each measurement is consistent and reliable, making it a trusted tool in the cement industry.

Industry Acceptance and Limitations

The Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus is used in the cement industry to measure the fineness of Portland cement. However it has limitations. Regular calibration and maintenance is required to get accurate measurements and it is not suitable for very fine or very coarse materials. Despite these limitations the Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus is a widely used and accepted instrument in the cement industry for quality control and assurance.

Cement Blaine Apparatus, Air Permeability Test

Cement Blaine Apparatus, Air Permeability Test
