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Air Jet Sieves

Air Jet Sieve Shakers

Browse our selection of Air Jet Sieve Shaker Machines, sieves, and covers. Our Air Jet Sieves come in a variety of stainless steel mesh sizes ranging from 20µm to 4.75mm. Each Air Jet Sieve can be used with testing methods AASHTO M 92 and ASTM E 11. Our Air Jet Sieve products also feature the replacement Micron Air Jet 200mm Sieve Cover.

Our listings feature two Air Jet Sieve Shaker Machines in the Mikro Air Jet Sieve Shaker and the Retsch AS 200 Air Jet Sieving Machine. The Mikro Air Jet Sieve Shaker can reliably and accurately separate dry powders 10 to 100g in sample size. The AS 200 Air Jet Sieve Shaker is perfect for efficient dispersion and separation of powdered materials such as cosmetics, coatings, and more.

Comprehensive Overview of Air Jet Test Sieves

Air jet sieves represent a modern adaptation of traditional sieving techniques, integrating advanced technology to enhance the precision and efficiency of particle sizes for analysis. This overview delishes into the design, functionality, and applications of air jet sieves, examining how they stand out in the realm of material testing and quality assurance.

Introduction to Air Jet Test Sieves

Basic Components and Functionality:
Air jet test sieves operate on a principle that differs significantly from conventional sieving methods. Instead of relying on mechanical agitation or manual effort, air jet sieves utilize a jet of air that passes through a fine mesh strainer to dislodge particles from the sieve fabric, effectively separating them based on size. The device typically consists of a sieve frame that supports a woven wire mesh or stainless steel mesh, outfitted with a specialized system to direct air flow through the openings.

Materials Used in Construction:
Frames: The frames of air jet sieves are often made from stainless steel or brass, chosen for their durability and resistance to wear. Stainless steel frames are particularly valued for their longevity and corrosion resistance.
Mesh Materials: Meshes in air jet sieves can be crafted from stainless steel mesh or woven wire mesh, providing the precision needed for fine particle separation as well as other foreign bodies.

Design and Specifications of Air Jet Sieves

Sieve Design:
Air jet sieves are designed to hold a single sieve at a time, where a controlled air flow is directed from below to facilitate particle movement. This setup includes a pan beneath the sieve to collect particles that pass through the mesh during the process. The design might also include a rotating plate or skirt to help redistribute the particles evenly across the mesh surface to ensure uniform air flow and efficient sieving.

Mesh Sizes and Openings:
Air jet sieves are available in various mesh sizes, accommodating a wide range of sizes from fine powders to coarser granular materials. The mesh openings are precision-engineered to meet standard classifications, ensuring consistency and reproducibility in testing outcomes.

Applications Across Various Industries

Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals:
In the pharmaceutical industry, air jet sieves are crucial for determining the particle distribution of active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients, ensuring consistency in drug efficacy and delivery. Similarly, in the chemical industry, these sieves are used to analyze size distribution of various chemical powders and compounds, crucial for quality control and compliance with industry standards.

Food and Beverage:
The food industry employs air jet sieves to analyze the granulometry of dry ingredients such as flour, powdered milk, and spices. Ensuring particle uniformity in these ingredients is key to achieving desired textures and flavors in food products.

Construction and Mining:
For construction materials like sand and crushed separate stones, air jet sieves help in grading the aggregates according to size, which is vital for the quality and strength of concrete and asphalt. In mining, these sieves are used to determine the granulometry of crushed ores and minerals, aiding in the efficient processing and refinement of raw materials.

Technological Features and Advancements

Sieving Technology:
Air jet sieving technology uses a controlled air stream, which not only helps to separate particles but also prevents the sieve mesh from clogging, a common issue in traditional sieving of fine powders. This method is particularly effective for materials that are too fine for standard sieve shakers and provides a rapid, reproducible alternative to manual sieving.

Traceability and Standards Compliance:
Air jet sieves are designed to comply with various international standards, including those set by ASTM and ISO. This compliance ensures that the sieves can be used globally in industries that require rigorous quality control measures. Traceability in manufacturing and testing processes is maintained through detailed records and standard operating procedures.

Limitations and Considerations

While air jet sieves offer numerous advantages, they also have limitations. They are primarily used for fine particles and may not be suitable for sieving very coarse particles and materials. Additionally, the initial cost and maintenance associated with sophisticated pneumatic systems can be higher than for traditional sieving equipment.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance of air jet sieves is crucial to ensure longevity and accuracy. Regular cleaning of the mesh and the air jet system is required to prevent buildup of particles that could affect performance. Calibration checks and periodic servicing are recommended to keep the system operating efficiently.


Air jet sieves represent a significant advancement in particle analysis technology. With their ability to efficiently separate fine particles and prevent mesh clogging through the use of directed air flows, they have become essential tools in industries where precision and reliability in particle distribution are critical. As technology advances, these devices continue to evolve, offering ever greater accuracy, efficiency, and compliance with international testing standards.

View our selection of Air Jet Sieve Shaker Machines below from our full line of sieve shakers and aggregate sieves

View the full line of Aggregate Moisture Testing Equipment, especially the popular Aggregate/Sand Moisture Measurement System

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Comprehensive Overview of the Use of Sieves for Air Jet Sieves in Professional Labs


In professional laboratories, particularly those involved in material science, geology, and quality control, sieves play a crucial role in particle analysis. Air jet sieves, a specific type of test sieve, utilize air jets to assist in the sieving process, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of separating particles based on size. This comprehensive overview will explore the various aspects of air jet sieves, including sieve construction, applications, and the importance of selecting the appropriate sieve for specific laboratory needs.

Understanding Air Jet Sieves

Air jet sieves are advanced laboratory devices designed to handle fine powders and granular materials. They differ from traditional sieves as they use a jet of air to agitate the sample, promoting the separation of fine particles through a specialized mesh screen.

Components of Air Jet Sieves

Sieve Frames: Typically made from materials like stainless steel or brass, the frames are robust to withstand the force of the air jet without deforming.
Woven Wire Mesh: The mesh is the critical component that determines the size of particles that can pass through. Mesh sieves are standardized and can be made from stainless steel or synthetic fabrics, depending on the application.
Sieve Covers and Pans: Covers prevent sample loss during agitation, and pans collect the particles that pass through the mesh.

Materials and Construction

The choice of materials for air jet sieves significantly impacts their durability and suitability for different types of samples.

Stainless Steel: Preferred for its durability and resistance to corrosion, stainless steel is ideal for sieves used in harsh chemical environments or with abrasive materials.
Brass Frame: Brass is less reactive with certain chemicals and is used when samples might react with stainless steel. However, it is softer and less durable.
Mesh Materials: The mesh can be made from stainless steel wire, which provides excellent strength and durability, or synthetic materials, which offer precise sieving for specific particles.

Applications of Air Jet Sieves in Labs

Air jet sieves are utilized across various fields for particle size analysis, an essential aspect of quality control and research.

Material Science

Construction Materials: Used to sieve and classify different construction materials like cement, sand, and aggregates to ensure consistency and compliance with safety standards.
Plastics and Polymers: Particle size analysis is crucial in plastics manufacturing to ensure uniformity in product texture and performance.

Environmental Science and Geology

Soil Sampling: Air jet sieves are used to analyze soil samples, helping classify soils based on particle size, which is vital for understanding soil health and suitability for agricultural use.
Mineral Separation: In geology labs, sieves are used to separate and classify minerals from crushed rock samples, aiding in the identification and analysis of the mineral composition.

Choosing the Right Air Jet Sieve

Selecting the appropriate air jet sieve involves considering several factors:

Sieve Sizes and Mesh Diameters: Choosing the correct mesh size is critical. Sieves come in different sizes, typically designated by mesh numbers that correspond to the number of openings per inch. Standard sizes are governed by standards such as ASTM E11.
Sample Characteristics: The nature of the sample can dictate the type of sieve needed. Coarse and abrasive materials may require more robust metal meshes, while lighter or finer materials might be best served by synthetic meshes.
Compatibility with Equipment: Ensure that the sieve dimensions and mesh specifications are compatible with the existing laboratory sieving equipment.

Maintenance and Calibration

Proper maintenance and regular calibration of air jet sieves are vital to ensure accuracy and longevity of use.

Cleaning: Regular cleaning of the sieve frames, mesh, and pan is necessary to prevent contamination between samples. Stainless steel meshes can be cleaned with appropriate solvents, while more delicate meshes might require gentler methods.
Inspection and Calibration: Regular inspections for damage or wear to the mesh and frame are crucial. Calibration against standard samples or using calibration kits ensures that the sieves provide consistent results.


Air jet sieves are indispensable tools in professional labs, offering precision and efficiency in particle size analysis across a variety of materials from soils and minerals to plastics and construction materials. By understanding the types, applications, and proper maintenance of air jet sieves, laboratory personnel can ensure they achieve accurate and reliable results, contributing to the quality and success of their scientific endeavors. With the right selection and care, air jet sieves can significantly enhance laboratory capabilities in material classification and quality assurance.

