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Single Tube Manometer

Price $166.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days
* Estimate is for US customers only.
* Shipping and Import Duties are calculated at checkout.
See Product Information

Single Tube Manometers are used for measuring soil permeability with the following Permeameter models: Shelby Tube, Compaction, and Constant / Falling Head Test Sets.

The Manometer connects to a permeameter port and is used in measuring the permeability of soils in falling head tests. The 1,000mm acrylic tube manometer has one valve to control flow and a built-in scale with 1mm graduations to monitor. The manometers includes a floor stand for easy use on flat surfaces.


  • 1,000mm capacity
  • Scale has 1mm graduations to monitor flow volumes
  • Floor Stand allows for flexibility of use throughout testing area
 Karol-Warner 3858 Single Tube Manometer

Single Tube Manometer
