The Hanna Instruments HI3818 Carbon Dioxide Chemical Test Kit is a must-have for anyone in need of accurate carbon dioxide measurement. The titration kit is designed to make accurate measurements of carbon dioxide levels easier than ever before. Pre-made reagents are included in the kit for ease of use, and all reagents are marked with an expiration date and lot number for traceability. This means you can trust in the quality of the kit without worrying about its expiration date.
The manual titration performed with phenolphthalein indicator allows you to easily determine the carbon dioxide levels in water. This makes the HI3818 perfect for anyone in need of a reliable way to measure the carbon dioxide levels in their aquarium, hydroponic system, or any other water environment. The kit can perform approximately 110 tests, which means that you will have enough tests available to monitor the carbon dioxide levels in your water for an extended period.
The measurement specifications of the Hanna Instruments HI3818 Carbon Dioxide Chemical Test Kit include a smallest increment of 0.1 mg/L (ppm), 0.5 mg/L (ppm), or 1 mg/L (ppm). The method of measurement is phenolphthalein, and the kit can perform an average of 100 tests. The ordering information for the kit includes 10 mL phenolphthalein indicator, 120 mL carbon dioxide reagent, 10 mL and 50 mL calibrated vessels, and a calibrated syringe with tip. The reagent used in this test kit is HI3818-100, and the carbon dioxide range is 0.0-10.0 mg/L (ppm), 0.0-50.0 mg/L (ppm), and 0-100 mg/L (ppm).
Overall, the Hanna Instruments HI3818 Carbon Dioxide Chemical Test Kit is ideal for anyone in need of reliable carbon dioxide measurement. The straightforward manual titration process allows for accurate readings that can be trusted time and time again. Additionally, the pre-made reagents and clearly marked expiration dates and lot numbers ensure that you will get the most accurate and reliable readings possible every time you use the kit. If you're in need of a reliable way to measure carbon dioxide levels in water, the HI3818 is a smart choice.
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