
Cathodic Protection Testing Equipment

Cathodic Protection Testing Equipment: Corrosion Current Flows in Steel Structures

Cathodic Protection

Corrosion can cause big problems and damage to pipelines and metal surfaces, leaks, structural weakness and reduced performance. To combat corrosion and keep your testing equipment intact cathodic protection testing is key. Certified Material Testing Products has a full range of cathodic protection testing coupons to test and monitor corrosion levels.

Our protection coupons come in various lengths, configurations and metals such as stainless steel, steel, iron and aluminum. Whether you need coupons for testing or as part of a corrosion solution we have the right product for your application.

One of the products in this category is the M.C. Miller 146305 AccuRef 30 Copper/Copper Sulfate with Integrated Coupon. This product gives you accurate and reliable readings of corrosion potential and ensures your current cathodic protection system is working.

If you need audible displays for monitoring corrosion rates we have the M.C. Miller SUB420 and SUB425 Audible Display models, in addition to the soil resistivity meter. These have a beeper and counter to give you clear and concise feedback on corrosion levels so you can take action fast.

The cathodic protection testing and coupons have twin THHN wires in green, red and yellow for easy identification and installation. They come in lengths from 25ft to 100ft so you can choose the one that fits your application.

For aluminum cylindrical coupons we have the M.C. Miller COU300 series. These have twin THHN wires and come in various lengths to fit your needs.

We also have carbon steel coupons with twin THHN wires for testing corrosion in pipelines and tanks. The M.C. Miller COU100 series is available in various lengths and is green for easy identification.

Certified Material Testing Products knows how important it is to protect your assets from corrosion. That’s why we have a full range of cathodic protection system and coupons and corrosion solutions to help you test and prevent corrosion. Browse the soil resistivity meter now and find the right product for your corrosion protection needs.

Cathodic protection (CP) is an electrochemical process used to control corrosion on metal surfaces, particularly on buried or submerged structures like pipelines, tanks for storage, steel structures and platforms offshore. This process involves changing the electrical environment of the metal surface to be protected, making it the cathode of an electrochemical cell, which slows down the corrosion rate.

There are two types of cathodic protection systems: galvanic and impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP). Galvanic systems or sacrificial anode cathodic protection use galvanic anodes made from more active metals like zinc, magnesium or aluminum. These anodes are electrically connected to the metal and due to their higher reactivity they corrode instead of the protected structure. The sacrificial metal acting as an anode supplies extra electrons to the protected metal making it a cathode and preventing corrosion.

Impressed current of a cathodic protection testing protects by using an external power source, usually a protection rectifier, which drives a direct current (DC) through anodes made from high silicon cast iron or mixed metal oxide. These impressed current anodes are buried around the structure to be protected and connected via cables. The external DC power source supplies enough current to overcome the soil or water resistance so the cathodic protection current is evenly distributed across the entire surface of the metal structure.

Both types of systems aim to create a potential difference between the anode and the metal to be protected, to reduce the metal’s corrosion rate to almost zero. Effective cathodic protection is when the protective current flows uniformly, so the entire surface of the structure acts as the cathode in the electrochemical cell.

Cathodic protection measurement techniques and criteria are important to ensure the system works. Measurements involve reference electrodes to measure the potential difference and ensure it meets federal safety standards for corrosion protection. The design of the reference electrodes and operation of CP systems consider factors like soil resistivity, environmental conditions and coatings on the metal surface which can affect the system’s efficiency and current density required.

Cathodic protection systems protect structures in many environments, from internal surfaces of structures to external surfaces of steel pipes and offshore oil platforms in seawater. Besides corrosion protection, cathodic protection also prevents hydrogen embrittlement and maintains the structure integrity over its life time.

For structures, CP can protect exposed steel reinforcement from corroding, extend the life of bridges, piers and jetties with reference electrodes. In marine environment, cathodic protection is essential for ships, offshore platforms and submerged pipelines to protect them from seawater corrosion.

Though it has its advantages, cathodic protection needs to be monitored and maintained to be effective in the long run. Systems may need adjustment in current output or anode replacement as conditions change or the structure ages. But with minimal maintenance requirements and can protect large structures in most environments, cathodic protection is a cost effective and widely used method for corrosion control in construction and oil and gas industry and others.


Cathodic protection (CP) is a proven method in corrosion engineering to protect metallic structures, especially those buried or submerged like pipelines, storage tanks and reinforced concrete. It works on the principle of electrochemistry, converts the entire metal surface into a cathode in an electrochemical cell and prevents the electrochemical reactions that causes corrosion.


There are two main types of systems: galvanic (or sacrificial anode) cathodic protection and impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP).

Galvanic Anode

Uses galvanic or galvanic anodes made of a more active metal than the structure to be protected. These anodes, usually made of zinc, magnesium or aluminum, are electrically connected to the structure. Over time the sacrificial anodes corrode instead of the protected structure, supply it with extra electrons to prevent its oxidation. This system is called passive cathodic protection because it relies on the natural potential difference between the sacrificial anode and the metal to drive the protective current flow.

Impressed Current

Uses an external power source like a cathodic protection rectifier or solar panels to provide a direct current (DC) to the metal structure through impressed current anodes which are not consumed as fast as sacrificial anodes. These systems are used to protect larger structures or those in highly corrosive environments by supplying a continuous flow of electrons from an external source to the metal structure to protect it.

Design and Criteria

Designing a CP system requires a good understanding of corrosion engineering principles and the site conditions. Cathodic protection design involves selecting the right anode, calculating the required current density to protect the structure and determining the best anode configuration to ensure uniform protection.

Using a soil resistivity meter to measure soil resistivity is important for CP system design.

Cathodic protection criteria has been established to ensure sufficient protection is achieved. These criteria involves measurement of potential difference between the protected structure and a reference electrode placed in the same electrolyte to ensure the protected structure is polarized in negative direction to prevent corrosion.

Application and Monitoring with Reference Electrodes

Cathodic protection system protect many structures in various environments with reference electrodes. They are effective for steel pipes, offshore oil platforms, fuel pipelines and structures exposed to aggressive environments. Regular monitoring and maintenance of the system is crucial to its effectiveness, involves checking anode life, current flow and potential reading to ensure the system meets the protection criteria. Also using a ground insulator tester to monitor the integrity of ground insulation in cathodic protection system can help identify issue with above and below ground insulators with the ground insulator tester.

Environmental and Safety Considerations for Corrosion Damage

While cathodic protection is a robust solution to control corrosion, it has its own challenges such as hydrogen embrittlement in some metals and careful handling of anodic materials and power supply. CP system must be designed and monitored to avoid stray current that can cause accelerated corrosion to nearby metallic structure not intended to be protected by the system.

Cathodic Protection Testing and Maintenance

Regular cathodic protection testing and maintenance is important to ensure the effectiveness of the cathodic protection system. These tasks should be performed by qualified corrosion expert who has the necessary knowledge and experience to assess and maintain the system. The frequency of testing and maintenance depends on the type of asset, environmental condition and regulatory requirement.

Cathodic protection testing involves measuring the potential of the cathodic protection system using reference electrodes and voltmeter. This will determine if the system is protecting the metal structure, such as using a soil resistivity meter. Soil resistivity meter and ground insulator tester are used to measure the soil resistivity and ground insulation integrity. These soil resistivity meter and measurement is important as incorrect reading can lead to wrong conclusion about the system performance and can cause corrosion damage.

Maintenance involves inspect and replace anodes, check the integrity of the cathodic protection system and do the necessary repair. A well maintained cathodic protection system can prevent costly repair and downtime, ensure the integrity of pipelines, tanks and other infrastructure assets. By being proactive with testing and maintenance, asset owner can extend the life of their structure and avoid corrosion damage.

Cathodic Protection Standards and Regulations

Cathodic protection system must comply with industry standards and regulations to be effective and safe. Organization such as National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) provide guidelines and standards for designing, installing and maintaining cathodic protection system. Regulatory agency such as U.S. Department of Transportation and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also have specific requirement.

Following these standards and regulations is important for cathodic protection system to function properly. Regular inspection and testing is required to ensure the system meet the established criteria. Failure to comply with these standards can result to fines, penalties and costly repair. So corrosion expert must be updated with the latest standards and regulations to ensure cathodic protection system is designed and installed correctly.

Following these standards not only prevent corrosion damage but also ensure the integrity and safety of infrastructure assets. By following the guidelines of industry organization and regulatory agency, asset owner can protect their investment and maintain the reliability of their structure.

Cathodic Protection Cost-Benefit Analysis

Do a cost-benefit analysis to determine the effectiveness of the cathodic protection system. This involves evaluating the initial investment, maintenance cost and potential savings from corrosion damage prevention. The benefits of cathodic protection system is prevention of corrosion damage, extended asset life and reduced maintenance cost.

A cost-benefit analysis should consider factors such as type of asset, environmental condition and regulatory requirement. It should also consider the cost of repair and replacement of asset if corrosion damage occur. By doing this analysis, asset owner can determine the best cathodic protection solution for their specific needs.

A well designed and well maintained cathodic protection system can save cost over the life of the asset. Corrosion expert play a key role in doing cost-benefit analysis to ensure the chosen cathodic protection system is a good return of investment and meet the requirement of the asset owner. By investing in a reliable cathodic protection system, asset owner can protect their infrastructure and avoid the high cost of corrosion damage.


Cathodic protection is an important technology in corrosion engineering, a proactive approach to extend the life of metallic structure and combat the costly and destructive effect of corrosion. With the right application of galvanic or ICCP and regular monitoring and maintenance, cathodic protection will continue to be the backbone of protecting infrastructure across many industries worldwide.

More about Cathodic Protection

Cathodic protection (CP) is a technique used to mitigate electrochemical reaction of metallic structure, especially those buried or submerged in electrolytes such as soil, water or concrete. This involves changing the electrochemical environment of the metal to be protected to make it the cathode of an electrochemical cell. By doing so, CP controls the corrosion rate of the metallic structure, extend its life and ensure the safety and integrity of infrastructure that is critical to our modern life, from oil pipeline to reinforced concrete structure.

How Cathodic Protection Works

In simple term, cathodic protection works by providing a more easily corroded sacrificial metal to be the anode. The protected metal becomes the cathode where the cathodic protection current flow, so it will not undergo electrochemical reaction that cause corrosion. This is done by an electrical circuit that connect the sacrificial anode to the metal to be protected, so electrons can flow from anode to cathode and neutralize the corrosive effect of the electrolyte environment.

Types of Cathodic Protection

There are two types of cathodic protection systems: galvanic (or sacrificial anode) systems and impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) systems.

Galvanic Cathodic Protection Systems These systems use the galvanic cell principle where two dissimilar metals are connected in an electrolyte. Zinc galvanic anodes are commonly used to protect steel structure buried in soil or submerged in water. The sacrificial anode, having a more negative electrode potential, corrodes in preference to the steel structure, so it supply the steel structure with electrons to be protected. No external power source is required as the galvanic system is driven by the potential difference between the anode and the metallic structure.

Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) Systems Unlike galvanic systems, ICCP use external power supply to provide a constant protective current. ICCP can protect larger structure and not limited by the consumption rate of the anode. Anodes in ICCP can be made from various material, including titanium coated with mixed metal oxides (MMO) and graphite. The power source, often a transformer rectifier, convert AC power to DC power and supply it to the anode so the CP current can flow to the structure.

Key Components and Principle

Anode Both types of CP require anode, zinc and magnesium for galvanic and MMO and graphite for ICCP. Selection of anode material is important as it affects the efficiency and longevity of the cathodic protection work.

Protective Coating Although not a component of the CP itself, protective coating is often used in conjunction with CP to minimize the current required to protect the underlying metal. Coating act as primary barrier against corrosion, while CP as secondary protection.

Power Supply In ICCP, the power supply is the key component that convert AC power to DC current to drive the protection process. The electrons needed by the metallic structure to be protected is crucial to the system.

Electrochemical Corrosion Understanding the electrochemical corrosion is the key to understand how cathodic protection works. Corrosion occurs when metal atom lose electron and become ion, which can then react with other element to form corrosive product like rust. CP system work by supply electron to the metal so the loss of electron and the corrosion process will not occur.

Applications and Considerations

Cathodic protection system used in various application, from steel pipe used in natural and other gas transportation to protect the hull of boat and ship. Underground pipeline, oil pipeline, tank bottom and reinforced concrete structure are among the most common application of CP. The effectiveness of CP system in these various application depends on several factor, soil resistivity, water chemistry, coating condition and presence of dissimilar metal that may cause stray current corrosion.

Challenges and Innovations

Cathodic protection is a robust method to control corrosion but not without challenge. The effectiveness of CP can be limited by wrong system design, insufficient current supply and coating damage. Monitoring and maintenance is crucial to ensure CP continue to function correctly over time. Innovations in material science, such as more efficient anode and better coating technology, continue to improve the effectiveness and applicability of CP.


Cathodic protection is a proven method to protect metallic structure from corrosion. By understanding the electrochemical principle and apply the right type of CP, engineer can extend the life of critical infrastructure and make it safe and functional. As technology improve, CP system will get more efficient and broader.
