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Traditional Floor Squeegee - 24" Straight

Price $41.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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for added stability and comfort while using | Ideal for wet or dry surfaces.

The Bon Tool 34-141 Traditional Floor Squeegee - 24" Straight is an exceptional tool that every homeowner, maintenance staff and business professional must have. This floor squeegee boasts a sleek design and a superior build that guarantees you a quality and durable product that can handle all your floor cleaning needs.

Constructed using a pre-galvanized frame, this floor squeegee is built to last. It features a single 1/4 inch thick black non-marking rubber blade that ensures your floors are left spotless and smooth. Additionally, the built-in scraper ensures that stubborn dirt and grime are removed with ease leaving your floors sparkling clean.

One of the things that make this floor squeegee stand out is its tapered handles that provide added stability and comfort while using it. This feature ensures that the user's hands are well protected from accidental cuts and bruises that are common with other floor squeegees. The Bon Tool 34-141 Traditional Floor Squeegee - 24" Straight is engineered to provide the user with the perfect balance and control for a smooth and effortless cleaning experience.

Ideal for wet or dry surfaces, this floor squeegee is versatile and can be used for different cleaning tasks such as cleaning up spills and removing dirt and grime from floors. Its 24" straight blade also makes it the perfect tool for quick cleaning of large areas making it an ideal choice for janitorial staff or anyone looking to keep their floors clean and sparkling.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a floor squeegee that is durable, efficient and easy to use, then the Bon Tool 34-141 Traditional Floor Squeegee - 24" Straight is the perfect product for you. Its exceptional build, superior design, and versatility make it the ideal tool for all your floor cleaning needs. Order yours today and start experiencing the difference!
 Bon Tool 34-141 Traditional Floor Squeegee - 24" Straight

Traditional Floor Squeegee - 24" Straight
