
Plunger Assembly for Vicat Cone Penetrometer, Modified, 200g

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Plunger Assembly for Vicat Cone Penetrometer, Modified, 200g

Plunger assembly: plunger, cone and indicator

For use with Plunger Assembly for Vicat Cone Penetrometer, Modified, 200g

Browse Certified MTP for all of your cement test equipment needs like cube molds for concrete, cement, mortar, and grout as well as Vicat Apparatus Test Method supplies

The Vicat testing method is a widely used technique in the field of construction and materials engineering to determine the setting time and consistency of cementitious materials. One crucial component of this method is the use of needles, which play a vital role in measuring the penetration and resistance of the material being tested.

The Vicat apparatus consists of a frame, a movable rod, and a needle or needles of specific dimensions. The needles used in Vicat testing are typically made of hardened steel and come in different sizes, ranging from 1 mm to 10 mm in diameter. These needles are carefully calibrated and standardized to ensure accurate and consistent test results.

During the test, the Vicat needle is brought into contact with the cement paste or mortar specimen. The needle is then gradually lowered into the material under a specified load or at a constant rate. The penetration depth of the needle is recorded as the initial and final setting times of the cementitious material. The resistance encountered by the needle is an indication of the consistency and strength development of the material.

The choice of needle size depends on the type of material being tested and the specific requirements of the test standard or specification. Finer needles are typically used for materials with lower strength or finer particle size, while larger needles are suitable for coarser or stronger materials.

The use of needles in Vicat testing provides valuable information about the behavior and performance of cementitious materials. It helps engineers and researchers evaluate the setting characteristics, workability, and quality control of construction materials. By measuring the penetration and resistance of the needles, the Vicat test allows for precise determination of initial and final setting times, which are critical parameters in construction practices.

In conclusion, needles are essential components of the Vicat testing method, enabling accurate assessment of cementitious materials' setting time and consistency. Their standardized sizes and calibrated measurements contribute to reliable and consistent test results, aiding in the optimization and quality assurance of construction materials.

Certified MTP recommends different types and styles of penetrometers for density tests:

Soil Pocket Penetrometer

Soil Pocket Penetrometer, Chrome-Plated with Engraved Scale

AMS 59032 Pocket Penetrometer

Dial Geotester Pocket Penetrometer Kit

Acme Mortar Penetrometer, Bench-Top

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Humboldt Mfg. Plunger Assembly for Vicat Cone Penetrometer, Modified, 200g

Plunger Assembly for Vicat Cone Penetrometer, Modified, 200g

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