Neoprene Viscometer Holder
Neoprene Viscometer Holder is used with the Asphalt Institute Vacuum Viscometers. The neoprene is flexible and securely holds the glass vacuum viscometer in place. The 2in (51mm) O.D. holder is compatible with the Constant Temperature Viscosity Bath.
- Plastic Viscometer Holder is required to secure the Zeitfuchs Cross-Arm®Viscometers.
- Drawer Unit for Viscosity Bath fits under bath for storing viscometers and accessories
- ASTM 9C Pensky-Martens & Tag Closed High Use Mercury Thermometer, -5°-110°C has 0.5°C divisions
- High Temp Bath Fluid, 5 Gallons recommended when testing to 100°C (212°F)
Meets Test Methods:
ASTM D 2170
ASTM D 2171
ASTM D 445
View full line of Viscometers, Asphalt Binder Testing, Brookfield Viscometers, Asphalt Viscosity Test Equipment, Asphalt Testing
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