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The Mortarboards category features a variety of essential tools for masonry work and construction projects. These mortar board products are designed to provide a stable and convenient workspace for mixing and holding mortar, making them indispensable for any professional or DIY enthusiast.

Mortar stands, such as the Mortar Board Stand with single or double chains, are essential for holding mortar boards in place securely. These mortar board stands are adjustable and durable, ensuring that your mortar board remains stable and level during use. Additionally, the Mortar Pan Stand is a versatile tool that can hold mortar pans of various sizes, providing an organized and clutter-free work environment.

The Mortar boards themselves come in different materials and sizes to suit your specific needs. Polyethylene Mortar Boards are lightweight, durable, and easy to clean, making the mortar board ideal for everyday use. Meanwhile, steel Mortar Pans are sturdy and long-lasting, offering a reliable surface for mixing and holding mortar. The Round Polyethylene Mortar Board is a unique option for those who prefer a circular workspace.

Whether you are a professional mason or a DIY enthusiast, having the right tools is crucial for the success of your project. The Mortarboards category provides a range of high-quality products that are designed to streamline your workflow and improve the efficiency of your construction tasks. Invest in these mortar board tools today and experience the difference they can make in your workmanship.


Overview of the Use of Mortarboards in Construction


Mortarboards, commonly recognized in academic contexts as part of regalia, also play a significant role in the construction industry. In construction, a mortarboard refers to a flat, square board used to hold mortar while bricklaying. This versatile mortar board tool is essential for masons and construction workers, facilitating the efficient and effective application of mortar to bricks or stones. This overview of the mortar board will explore the practical uses of mortarboards in construction, their importance, and various aspects of their application.

The Role of Mortarboards in Construction

Definition and Purpose

A mortarboard in construction is a square, flat board that holds mortar or cement. The primary function of a mortarboard is to provide a convenient surface for masons to scoop mortar with their trowels while building walls, laying bricks, or performing other masonry tasks. This simple yet indispensable tool ensures that mortar is readily accessible and at the right consistency for application.

Materials and Design

Mortarboards are typically made from durable materials such as wood, metal, or plastic. The choice of material often depends on the specific requirements of the construction site and the preferences of the workers. The board's surface is designed to be smooth and sturdy, capable of withstanding the weight and consistency of mortar.

Wood: Traditional mortarboards are often made from hardwood, providing a robust and reliable surface.
Metal: Metal mortarboards are durable and can withstand heavy use, making them suitable for large construction projects.
Plastic: Lightweight and easy to clean, plastic mortarboards are popular for their convenience and portability.

Practical Uses in Construction


Bricklaying is one of the primary tasks where mortarboards are extensively used. Masons use these boards to hold and mix mortar, ensuring that it is at the correct consistency for application. The mortarboard's flat surface allows masons to scoop mortar with their trowels efficiently, enabling a smooth and even spread on the bricks.

Stone Masonry

In stone masonry, mortarboards serve a similar purpose as in bricklaying. The boards hold the mortar, allowing workers to apply it to stones with precision. This is crucial for creating strong and stable stone structures, whether for walls, pathways, or decorative elements.


Mortarboards are also used in tiling projects. They hold the adhesive or mortar that will be applied to the tiles or the surface where the tiles are being laid. This ensures that the adhesive is readily available and at the right consistency, facilitating a smooth and efficient tiling process.

Importance of Using the Correct Size

Ensuring Efficiency

Using a mortarboard of the right size is crucial for efficiency in construction. A board that is too small may not hold enough mortar, requiring frequent refills and slowing down the work process. Conversely, a board that is too large may be cumbersome to handle and transport around the construction site.

Preventing Waste

An appropriately sized mortarboard helps prevent waste by holding just the right amount of mortar needed for the task. This minimizes the chances of mortar drying out or being wasted, leading to cost savings and more efficient use of materials.

Graduation Regalia: A Parallel with Construction

While the term "mortarboard" is primarily associated with construction in this context, it is worth noting its origins in academic traditions. The flat, square cap worn by graduates is also called a mortarboard due to its resemblance to the construction tool. This cap is part of the graduation regalia, which includes the gown, hood, and tassel.

Graduation Caps

Graduation caps, or mortarboards, are square, flat caps worn by students during graduation ceremonies. They are typically made of stiff material and feature a tassel attached to the top.

Appropriate Size: Just as in construction, the appropriate size is essential for comfort and appearance. A cap that is too tight or too loose can be uncomfortable and may not sit correctly on the head.
Tassel: The tassel is a key component of the graduation cap. It is usually worn on the right side before the ceremony and moved to the left side once the degree is conferred, symbolizing the transition from student to graduate.

Academic Tradition

The use of mortarboards in academic ceremonies has a long history and is steeped in tradition. The cap, gown, and tassel collectively represent the student's academic achievements and are worn with pride during graduation ceremonies.

Ceremony: During the graduation ceremony, students wear their caps and gowns, often accompanied by a hood indicating their field of study.
Throwing: A common tradition is the throwing of caps into the air at the end of the ceremony, symbolizing the completion of their academic journey.

Practical Considerations for Construction Mortarboards

Material Selection

Choosing the right material for a mortarboard is crucial for its durability and functionality. Construction sites can be harsh environments, and the mortarboard needs to withstand constant use and exposure to various elements.

Wooden Mortarboards: These are traditional and sturdy but can be heavy and may absorb moisture from the mortar.
Metal Mortarboards: Highly durable and resistant to damage, but can be heavy and may rust if not properly maintained.
Plastic Mortarboards: Lightweight and easy to clean, but may not be as durable as wood or metal.

Handling and Maintenance

Proper handling and maintenance of mortarboards are essential to extend their lifespan and ensure they remain functional.

Cleaning: Regular cleaning after use is important to prevent mortar buildup, which can affect the board's surface and make it difficult to work with.
Storage: Storing mortarboards in a dry, sheltered location helps prevent damage from moisture and other environmental factors.


Mortarboards are indispensable tools in the construction industry, essential for tasks such as bricklaying, stone masonry, and tiling. They provide a convenient and efficient way to hold and apply mortar, ensuring precision and consistency in construction projects. Just as graduation caps symbolize academic achievement, construction mortarboards represent the craftsmanship and skill of masons and construction workers.

By understanding the practical uses, appropriate sizes, materials, and maintenance of mortarboards, construction professionals can ensure they use this tool effectively, enhancing their productivity and the quality of their work. Whether in construction or academia, the mortarboard remains a symbol of excellence and achievement, serving as a bridge between tradition and practical application.

