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Low Profile Hopper Md .33 Cubic Yard-Blue

Price $1,297.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

Estimated ship in 4-7 business days | This ships Freight
* Estimate is for US customers only.
* Shipping and Import Duties are calculated at checkout.
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The Low Profile Hopper Md .33 Cubic Yard-Blue is a durable and versatile solution for all your material handling needs. This hopper is designed to provide a convenient and efficient way to transport and store a variety of materials in an industrial or commercial setting.

With a capacity of .33 cubic yards, this hopper is compact yet spacious enough to hold a significant amount of material. The low profile design makes it easy to access and load materials, while the sturdy construction ensures long-lasting durability.

The hopper is constructed from high-quality materials that are built to withstand the rigors of daily use. The blue color adds a touch of style and visibility to the hopper, making it easy to locate and identify in a busy workspace.

Equipped with a convenient handle for easy maneuverability, this hopper makes transporting materials a breeze. Whether you need to move heavy items across a warehouse floor or store loose materials in a secure location, this hopper can handle the task with ease.

The Low Profile Hopper Md .33 Cubic Yard-Blue is a versatile and reliable solution for a wide range of material handling applications. Whether you work in manufacturing, construction, or any other industry that requires the transport and storage of materials, this hopper is sure to meet your needs. Invest in the Low Profile Hopper Md .33 Cubic Yard-Blue today and experience the convenience and efficiency it has to offer.
Vestil Low Profile Hopper Md .33 Cubic Yard-Blue

Low Profile Hopper Md .33 Cubic Yard-Blue
