
Lignomat TH Thermo-Hygrometer

Price $69.98
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Lignomat TH Thermo-Hygrometer

We recommend the Thermo-Hygrometer TH for homes, offices and wood shops.  Display shows, relative humidity, temperature time and min/max values. Min/Max memory can be reset at any time. Meter has a built-in tilt stand and a wall mounting bracket.

The Thermo-Hygrometer TH has a wide enough range (20-95%) for tempered climates. Recommended and comfortable live-in conditions are about 70°F (20°C) and 35-50% relative humidity. If those conditions are maintained, wood will stabilize at 6-8% moisture. Woodworkers use wood moisture meters and Thermo-Hygrometers side by side to avoid shrinking and warping.

See Equilibrium Moisture Content table.
Learn more about Moisture Problems and Helpful Hint

“Air humidity” affects wood. As RH goes up, wood absorbs moisture and swells. As RH goes down, wood looses moisture and shrinks. Once wood has reached its equilibrium moisture content (EMC), it will be stable and neither absorb nor loose moisture.

“Air humidity” affects our environment and our health. Mold is the dreaded word. Mold destroys materials and makes humans sick. Mold growth can be prevented, if relative humidity stays within a safe range.

 Lignomat TH Thermo-Hygrometer

Lignomat TH Thermo-Hygrometer

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