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Krieger ULT1700, Step-Up/Step-Down Transformer, 1700W

Price $245.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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Krieger ULT1700, Step-Up/Step-Down Transformer, 1700W

This professional grade voltage transformer can be used in 110 volt countries and 220 volt countries. It will convert from 220-240 volt to 110-120 volt AND from 110-120 volt to 220-240 volt.

  • Includes 2 x IEC cords (American Grounded and Round Shuko)
  • On and Off Switch
  • Dual Fuse Protection (120V & 230V)
  • 2 Spare Fuses Included
  • CE Certified
  • 5 Year Warranty

Capacity          1700 watts

Input   120/230 Volt

Output 120/230 Volt

Item Dimensions (L x W x H)   10 x 7.75 x 4.62 in.

Item Weight    14.95 lbs.

Package Dimensions (L x W x H)         14.12 x 9.5 x 6.25 in.

Package Weight          17.20 lbs.

Krieger ULT1700, Step-Up/Step-Down Transformer, 1700W User Manual

Krieger ULT1700, Step-Up/Step-Down Transformer, 1700W User Brochure

Step-up/Step-Down Transformers convert electrical voltages up from 110-120 volt to 220-240 volt, or down from 220-240 volt to 110-120 volt. Included adaptor allows input connection to common grounded power supplies in North America, Europe, and many other parts of the world. Universal output accepts North American, UK, European, and other plugs. Transformers have an on/off switch, two spare fuses, and are CE marked. Do not exceed maximum rated wattage.

Krieger Electric Krieger ULT1700, Step-Up/Step-Down Transformer, 1700W

Krieger ULT1700, Step-Up/Step-Down Transformer, 1700W
