
International Orders

International Shipping is pleased to ship worldwide through our partner, Simply add any items you wish to purchase in your shopping cart and choose the “International Checkout” option. The global checkout page will allow you to see the cost for shipping and duties and taxes upfront. You may prepay duties and taxes when you check out or, pay upon delivery. If you prepay, there will be no additional funds collected upon delivery. GlobalShopex handles the international checkout and shipping, and will process your payment and guarantee delivery. Once your order is completed, order status questions should be directed to GlobalShopex at or 786-391-4868.

STANDARD SHIPPING arrives to your address in between 10 to 15 business days.

PRIORITY SHIPPING arrives to your address in between 5 to 10 business days.

GlobalShopex Local Numbers:

Australia (Sydney) · Tel: (612) 9037 0252

United Kingdom · Tel: (020) 3371 9380

Japan (Tokyo) · Tel: (3) 4520 9639

Spain (Madrid) · Tel: (91) 829 5114

South Africa · Tel: (27 10) 500-2487

Canada (Toronto) · Tel: (416) 840 5719

France (Paris) · Tel: (01) 7666 0593

Mexico (DF) · Tel: (55) 8525 3179

Brazil (Sao Paulo) · Tel: (55) 21 3958 1440

Peru (Lima) · Tel: (1) 718 0788

Colombia (Bogota) · Tel: (1) 508 2859

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