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Chain Hoist

Chain Hoist

Chain hoists are essential tools in a variety of industries, offering a reliable and efficient way to lift heavy loads. Whether you need to hoist materials on a construction site or lift equipment in a warehouse, chain hoists provide a safe and effective solution.

Our category features a range of a hand chain hoist and related products to meet your specific needs. From gin wheels to platform hoists of different sizes and power sources, we offer a diverse selection to accommodate various lifting requirements. We also provide manila ropes in different lengths and thicknesses to ensure secure lifting operations.

In addition to a hand chain hoist and ropes, we offer various accessories such as pigtail hooks, platform wheels, trolley wheels, guide wheels, brake ropes, and splice plate kits. These accessories are designed to enhance the performance and functionality of your chain hoist, allowing you to customize your lifting setup for maximum efficiency.

Whether you are a construction professional, a warehouse manager, or a maintenance technician, our chain hoist category has everything you need to streamline your lifting operations. With high-quality products and reliable performance, you can trust our chain hoists to get the job done safely and efficiently. Explore our selection today and find the perfect chain hoist and accessories for your specific application.


Overview of the Use of Chain Hoist in a Warehouse or Industrial Setting

Chain hoists are indispensable tools in warehouses and industrial settings, providing reliable and efficient lifting capabilities for various applications. This comprehensive overview explores the use of manual and electric chain hoist, their key features, benefits, and applications, and offers guidance on selecting the right hoist for your needs.

Types of Chain Hoist in a Warehouse or Industrial Setting

Manual Chain Hoist

Manual chain hoists, also known as hand chain hoists or chain falls, are operated by pulling a hand chain. They are known for their economical design and are commonly used for lifting and lowering loads without the need for electricity. The manual hand chain hoist are ideal for applications where precision and control are crucial.

Working Load Limit (WLL): The WLL of manual chain hoists typically ranges from 0.5 tons to 20 tons, making them suitable for a wide range of lifting tasks.
Durability: Built with high-quality materials, manual chain hoists are designed to withstand heavy use in industrial environments.
Compact and Lightweight: Their compact size and lightweight nature make them easy to transport and install.

Electric Chain Hoist

Electric chain hoists provide a more efficient and faster lifting solution compared to manual hoists. Powered by electricity, these hoists are suitable for frequent and heavy-duty lifting tasks in warehouses and industrial settings.

Capacity: Electric chain hoists come with various load capacities, typically ranging from 0.5 tons to 30 tons or more.
Speed and Efficiency: They offer faster lifting speeds and higher efficiency, reducing the time and effort required to move heavy loads.
User-Friendly: With simple controls and automated lifting, electric chain hoists are user-friendly and reduce operator fatigue.

Key Features and Benefits of Chain Hoist in a Warehouse or Industrial Setting

Working Load Limit (WLL)

The WLL is a crucial factor when selecting a chain hoist. It indicates the maximum load that the hoist can safely lift. It is essential to choose a hoist with an appropriate WLL to ensure safety and efficiency in lifting operations.

Economical Design

Both manual and electric chain hoists are designed to be cost-effective solutions for lifting needs. Manual chain hoists are particularly economical due to their simple construction and lack of electrical components.

Durability and Reliability

Chain hoists are built to withstand the rigors of industrial use. High-quality materials and robust construction ensure long-lasting performance and reliability. Brands like Coffing Hoists, Columbus McKinnon (CM), and Harrington are known for producing durable hoists that meet stringent safety standards.

Lightweight and Compact

Manual chain hoists, in particular, are lightweight and compact, making them easy to transport and install. This portability is beneficial in settings where the hoist needs to be moved between different locations.


Headroom is the distance between the hoist and the ceiling or overhead structure. Chain hoists with low headroom designs are ideal for environments with limited vertical space, allowing for maximum lifting height.


Chain hoists are versatile tools used in various applications, including warehouses, construction sites, entertainment venues, and more. Their ability to handle different load capacities and configurations makes them suitable for numerous lifting tasks.

Applications of Chain Hoist in a Warehouse or Industrial Setting


In warehouses, chain hoists are used for lifting and moving heavy inventory, loading and unloading trucks, and positioning materials. They help improve efficiency and safety in material handling operations.

Industrial Settings

In industrial settings, chain hoists are used for lifting machinery, heavy components, and other industrial equipment. They play a vital role in assembly lines, maintenance, and repair tasks.

Entertainment Industry

Chain hoists are also used in the entertainment industry for rigging and lifting equipment during events and performances. Their precise control and reliability make them ideal for setting up stages and lighting.

Selecting the Right Chain Hoist

Determine the Load Capacity

The first step in selecting a chain hoist is determining the maximum load you need to lift. Choose a hoist with a WLL that meets or exceeds this requirement to ensure safe operation.

Consider the Lifting Height

Evaluate the lifting height required for your application. Ensure the chain hoist can lift the load to the necessary height without exceeding its maximum lift capacity.

Assess the Headroom

If you have limited vertical space, choose a chain hoist with low headroom to maximize the lifting height. This is especially important in warehouses with low ceilings or confined spaces.

Evaluate the Power Source

Decide whether a manual or electric chain hoist is more suitable for your needs. Manual hoists are ideal for precision lifting and areas without electricity, while electric hoists offer faster and more efficient lifting for frequent use.

Check for Additional Features

Look for features that enhance the usability and safety of the hoist, such as overload protection, durable construction, and ease of maintenance. Brands like Harrington, Coffing Hoists, and Columbus McKinnon offer high-quality hoists with various advanced features.

Popular Brands and Models

Coffing Hoist

Coffing Hoists are known for their durability and reliability. They offer a range of manual and electric chain hoists suitable for various industrial applications.

Columbus McKinnon (CM)

CM is a leading manufacturer of material handling products, including chain hoists. Their hoists are designed for heavy-duty use and come with advanced safety features.


Harrington offers a wide range of chain hoists known for their high-quality construction and ease of use. Their hoists are suitable for both light and heavy-duty lifting tasks.

Maintenance and Safety Tips

Regular Inspection

Inspect the chain hoist regularly for signs of wear and damage. Check the chain, hooks, and other components to ensure they are in good condition.


Keep the chain and moving parts well-lubricated to reduce friction and prevent wear. Use the recommended lubricant for your specific hoist.

Operator Training

Ensure that operators are properly trained in the use of chain hoists. They should understand how to operate the hoist safely and be aware of the load limits and safety procedures.

Load Testing

Perform load testing periodically to ensure the hoist can handle its rated capacity. This helps identify any potential issues before they become serious problems.

Safe Storage

When not in use, store the chain hoist in a dry, secure location. Protect it from exposure to harsh environmental conditions that could cause rust or damage.


Chain hoists are versatile and essential tools in warehouses and industrial settings. They provide reliable and efficient lifting capabilities for various applications, from material handling in warehouses to lifting machinery in industrial environments. By understanding the different types of chain hoists, their features, and how to select the right one for your needs, you can ensure safe and efficient lifting operations. Regular maintenance and proper operator training further enhance the longevity and safety of these indispensable tools.

