Deslauriers Grout Prism Capping Stand Plate
The Grout Prism Capping Stand makes it easier to center and maintain perpendicularity while capping your specimen.
Grout Prism Capping Stand accepts specimens of masonry grout for compressive strength testing up to 3.5in (89mm) square. Vertical guides ensure samples are perpendicular when capping with the sulfur mortar compound. The capping plate and recess with beveled sides meet ASTM requirements for hardness and depth. Caps formed with Gilson Gray Iron 9000 or other sulfur mortar compounds will properly distribute loads for accurate strength results. Solid steel construction.
- Ensures perpendicularity of grout specimens for compressive strength tests
- Designed for specimens molded with Grout Sample Box
- Size and depth dimensions produce caps that accurately distribute loads
- Solid steel, two-piece construction
Included Items:
- Grout Prism Capping Stand
- Capping Plate
- Alignment fixture
- Grout Sample Box produces molded specimens for strength tests
Meets Standard(s):
- ASTM C1019
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