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Price $60.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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The CMI Arborist Shackle is an essential tool for all arborists and tree care professionals. With its innovative design and superior durability, this shackle is a must-have for any tree climbing or rigging operation.

Constructed from high-quality 5/8 steel, this shackle is built to withstand the toughest conditions. The precision machining of the holes ensures a perfect fit for the custom-built slic pin, eliminating the risk of losing or misplacing it during use. This feature provides peace of mind and enhances productivity, allowing arborists to focus on their work without any unnecessary distractions or concerns.

To ensure long-term performance, the entire shackle is zinc plated, providing excellent corrosion resistance and protecting against rust and degradation. This coating further enhances the lifespan of the shackle, making it a reliable companion for years to come.

One of the standout features of the CMI Arborist Shackle is its impressive working load limit of 3 1/4 tons. This remarkable strength allows it to handle heavy loads and proves its reliability and safety in any demanding situation. Whether you are securing equipment, connecting rigging lines, or performing other arborist tasks, this shackle will exceed your expectations.

In addition to its exceptional strength and durability, the CMI Arborist Shackle is also easy to use. Its compact size and lightweight design make it portable and convenient to carry around in your gear bag. It can be effortlessly attached and detached, saving you valuable time and effort during operation.

Whether you are a professional arborist or a passionate tree climber, the CMI Arborist Shackle is a game-changer. It offers unmatched performance, strength, and ease of use, making it the go-to choice for arborists worldwide. Invest in this high-quality shackle today and experience the difference it makes in your tree care operations.

