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Calibratable 7-Function Digital Psychrometer

Price $131.98
Minimum Purchase:
1 unit

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Calibratable 7-Function Digital Psychrometer

This combination meter measures and displays ambient temperature, relative humidity (RH), both dew point and wet bulb temperatures on a bright dual-readout LCD display.

Includes an external stem probe for measuring surface or internal temperature of a solid object or the temperature of a liquid or gas.

NIST calibration available. F°/C° switch and an adjustable auto power off trigger.

Unit includes one 9V alkaline battery.

Net wt: 3.7 oz, Ship wt: 2 lbs, Actual dims: 7.56" (L) x 2.4" (W) x 1.57" (H), Ship dims: 12" (L) x 10" (W) x 3" (H).

Models and Parts

  • EP8710: Calibratable 7-Function Digital Psychrometer
  • HR33: Calibration Reference 33% Salts For Field Calibration
  • HR75: Calibration Reference 75% Salts For Field Calibration


The Calibratable 7-Function Digital Psychrometer is an essential tool for accurate temperature and humidity measurements in various environments. With its advanced features and high versatility, this device is ideal for professionals in industries such as HVAC, agriculture, and manufacturing.

This combination meter provides comprehensive information, displaying ambient temperature, relative humidity (RH), as well as both dew point and wet bulb temperatures on a bright and easy-to-read dual-readout LCD display. It allows users to quickly and accurately assess the environmental conditions and make informed decisions.

In addition to the built-in sensors, the Calibratable 7-Function Digital Psychrometer also includes an external stem probe. This probe can be used to measure surface or internal temperature of solid objects, as well as the temperature of liquids or gases. This feature greatly extends the versatility and usability of the device, making it even more valuable for a wide range of applications.

For those who require the highest level of accuracy, the Calibratable 7-Function Digital Psychrometer offers NIST calibration. This means that the device has been calibrated according to the standards set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, ensuring precise and reliable measurements. This feature is particularly important in industries where precision is crucial, such as scientific research or quality control.

The device also offers user-friendly features such as a F°/C° switch for easy temperature unit conversion, as well as an adjustable auto power off trigger to conserve battery life. Speaking of battery, the Calibratable 7-Function Digital Psychrometer comes with a 9V alkaline battery included, so you can start using it right out of the box.

With a lightweight and compact design, this psychrometer is highly portable and easy to carry around. The dimensions are 7.56" (L) x 2.4" (W) x 1.57" (H), and it weighs only 3.7 ounces. When shipped, the device is well-packaged to ensure its safety, with shipping dimensions of 12" (L) x 10" (W) x 3" (H) and a shipping weight of 2 pounds.

The Calibratable 7-Function Digital Psychrometer is available in different models and parts to suit specific needs. The EP8710 model is the main psychrometer unit, while the HR33 and HR75 calibration reference salts can be used for field calibration, further enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the measurements.

In summary, the Calibratable 7-Function Digital Psychrometer is an essential tool for professionals who need accurate temperature and humidity measurements. With its advanced features, portable design, and various calibration options, this device is a reliable and versatile choice for a wide range of industries.
 Seedburo EP8710 Calibratable 7-Function Digital Psychrometer

Calibratable 7-Function Digital Psychrometer
