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Plastic shims are an essential product category in the construction industry, used for leveling and aligning various building materials such as concrete units, windows, doors, cabinets, and more. These small pieces of material come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit different needs and application.

Plastic Shims for Leveling Concrete Units are commonly used for adjusting the height and alignment of precast concrete panels, ensuring a level and even surface. Available in different thicknesses and dimensions, these plastic shims provide a quick and easy solution for making precise adjustments during construction or renovation projects.

Precast Shims for Leveling Concrete Units are durable and reliable shims designed specifically for heavy-duty application. These plastic shims come in larger sizes to support the weight of heavy concrete units, providing stable and long-lasting leveling solutions.

Econ-O-Shim Stack Shims are versatile plastic shims that can be easily stacked together to achieve the desired height or level. These plastic shims are a popular choice for a wide range of application due to their flexibility and ease of use.

Vers-A-Shim Bearing Strips are long and narrow shims that are ideal for supporting and leveling structural elements such as beams and columns. These strips, or plastic shims, when you compare to the purpose of the other shims on the list above, provide uniform support along the length of the material, reducing the risk of sagging or misalignment.

Whether you are a professional contractor or a DIY enthusiast, having a variety of plastic shims on hand is essential for ensuring the quality and precision of your construction projects. Explore our wide selection of shims to find the perfect solution for your leveling and alignment needs.

Certified MTP also offers a full line of shim stock in horseshoe shims,  wood shimsWobble Wedgesclear plastic shimsPrecast ShimsLeveling ShimsAluminum Shims, and Key Slot Shims.

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Introduction to Shim Stock in Construction

Shim stock is an essential component in construction projects, used for aligning, adjusting, and leveling various structural elements and fixtures. This comprehensive 5000-word overview will explore the various types of shims, their application, materials, and practical tips for using shims effectively in construction scenarios.

Shim is a thin piece of material used to fill small gaps or spaces between objects in construction and woodworking, enabling precise alignment or support. Shim stock plays a crucial role in ensuring structures are plumb and level, which is essential for their stability and operational integrity. The versatility of shim stock makes it indispensable in a myriad of application, from simple home repairs to complex architectural projects.

Types of Shim Stock and Materials

Shim stock comes in various materials and forms, each suited to specific application and environments:

Plastic Shim Stock:
Plastic shims are popular due to their resistance to moisture, corrosion, and decay, making them ideal for outdoor and wet environments. They are often used in window and door installations, as well as in siding and decking application where weather resistance is crucial.

Wood Shim Stock:
Traditional wood shims are favored for their ease of use and natural properties. They can be easily trimmed to fit and are commonly used in interior application such as leveling furniture, cabinetry, and during the installation of doors and windows.

Metal Shim Stock:
Metal shims, often made from aluminum or stainless steel, are used in application requiring high load capacity and durability. They are common in heavy construction, machinery installation, and where structural integrity is paramount.

Composite Shim Stock:
These shims are made from composite materials that combine the benefits of wood and plastic, such as durability and ease of manipulation. They are used in both interior and exterior applications, providing stability and support without the risk of rot.

Applications of Shim Stock in Construction

Door and Window Installations:
Shims are critical in the installation of doors and windows to ensure they are plumb, level, and square within the frame. Proper shimming prevents operational issues like sticking or gaps that can affect energy efficiency and security.

Leveling and Alignment:
In construction, shims are used to level floors, ceiling joists, a table, and beams. They help in aligning structural components to ensure the entire framework is correctly positioned.

Machinery Installation:
In industrial settings, shims are used to level and align heavy machinery, ensuring optimal operation and reducing wear and tear on moving parts.

Bridge Construction:
Metal and composite shims play a crucial role in bridge construction, helping to distribute loads evenly and adjust the height of bridge segments during assembly.

Choosing the Right Shim Stock

Selecting the appropriate shim involves considering several factors:

Material Suitability:
Choose a shim material that aligns with the environmental conditions and physical demands of the project. For example, metal shims are best for high-load applications, while plastic shims are suited for areas exposed to moisture.

Thickness and Size:
Shims come in various thicknesses and sizes. Selecting the correct thickness is crucial to fill the space accurately without compromising the stability of the installation.

Consider the longevity required for the shim in its operational environment. Durable materials like metal or high-impact plastic ensure longevity in demanding conditions.

Installation Tips for Shim Stock

Correct Placement:
Ensure shims are placed correctly to effectively distribute weight or pressure. Incorrect placement can lead to structural failures or misalignment.

Trimming Excess:
Once a shim is in place, trim any excess material protruding from the sides to maintain a clean and professional finish like a table.

Multi-Shim Stacking:
In some cases, multiple shims may be stacked to achieve the desired thickness. Ensure that shims are stacked in a stable manner to prevent shifting or compression under load.

Maintenance and Inspection of Shim Stock

Regular inspection of shimmed areas is vital to protect customers, especially in structural applications. Check for signs of compression, wear, or degradation, and replace shims as necessary to maintain the integrity of the structure.

Conclusion on Shim Stock

Shims are a small but critical component in construction, offering solutions for leveling, aligning, and stabilizing structures in a variety of settings. Understanding the different types of shims, their appropriate applications, and best practices for installation is essential for contractors jobs, customers, builders jobs, and DIY enthusiasts alike. By placing your order for the right type of shim jobs and applying it correctly for customers, one can ensure the longevity and reliability of construction projects, enhancing overall structural integrity and functionality.

