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Electric calorimeter

Price $24.98
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The United Scientific CLRE02 Electric Calorimeter is a must-have tool for any physics lab exploring the basics of heat and energy. This robustly constructed and easy-to-use calorimeter is designed to facilitate experimentation on a variety of topics, including heat and energy interchange, heat capacity and specific heat, heat and temperature, and latent heat, to name just a few.

With a diameter of 10cm and a height of 11cm for the calorimeter only (and 15cm overall), this electric calorimeter is the perfect size for your lab work. Its inner can has a liquid capacity of 175ml and a heat capacity of approximately 25J per degree Celsius, making it ideal for measuring the heat of various substances. Weighing in at a mere 205g, this electric calorimeter is lightweight and easy to handle, which is essential when conducting lab experiments.

Designed to function as either an electric calorimeter or a class standard calorimeter, the United Scientific CLRE02 Electric Calorimeter has an electrical requirement of 6VDC, up to 2A, with a coil resistance of 2.5 - 3Ω. Whether you are a student or a professional researcher, this calorimeter is sure to meet all your needs and exceed your expectations.

In summary, the United Scientific CLRE02 Electric Calorimeter is an essential piece of equipment for anyone exploring the fundamental principles of heat and energy. Its robust construction and attention to detail make it a reliable and accurate tool for any experiment. So why wait? Buy yours today and start exploring the fascinating world of heat and energy!
 United Scientific CLRE02 Electric calorimeter

Electric calorimeter
