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Brookfield 5000 CPS General Purpose Silicone Fluid

Price $293.98
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Brookfield 5000 CPS General Purpose Silicone Fluid

Brookfield Viscosity Standards provide a convenient, reliable way to verify the calibration of your Brookfield Laboratory Viscometer/Rheometer. The fluids are stored in glass bottles.  Silicone viscosity standards supplied in ½ liter (1 pint) glass jars complete with a certificate of calibration

  • Accuracy: ±1% of viscosity value
  • Excellent temperature stability
  • Recommended for use with AMETEK Brookfield and most other rotational viscometers
  • Most economical

General Purpose Silicone Fluid on the market

Brookfield 5000 CPS General Purpose Silicone Fluid is a high-quality and reliable product that is essential for various applications. This silicone fluid is specifically formulated to provide accurate viscosity measurements, making it ideal for use with Brookfield Laboratory Viscometers/Rheometers and other rotational viscometers.

One of the outstanding features of the Brookfield 5000 CPS General Purpose Silicone Fluid is its exceptional accuracy. With an accuracy level of ±1% of the viscosity value, you can trust that this product will provide consistent and precise results. This accuracy ensures that your measurements are reliable, giving you confidence in your data and ensuring the quality of your processes and products.

In addition to its accuracy, this silicone fluid also offers excellent temperature stability. This feature is crucial for industries that require viscosity measurements at various temperatures. With the Brookfield 5000 CPS General Purpose Silicone Fluid, you can rely on stable and consistent viscosity readings even in extreme temperature conditions. This helps streamline your operations and ensures the accuracy of your measurements, regardless of the temperature environment.

Furthermore, the Brookfield 5000 CPS General Purpose Silicone Fluid is highly recommended for use with AMETEK Brookfield Viscometers and most other rotational viscometers. This compatibility makes it a versatile choice for various industries and applications. Whether you are working in the pharmaceutical, chemical, cosmetic, or food industries, this silicone fluid is designed to meet your viscosity measurement needs.

Lastly, the Brookfield 5000 CPS General Purpose Silicone Fluid is the most economical solution available on the market. Its affordable price, combined with its exceptional quality, makes it a cost-effective option for businesses and laboratories of all sizes. With this product, you can achieve accurate viscosity measurements without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, the Brookfield 5000 CPS General Purpose Silicone Fluid is a must-have product for anyone in need of reliable viscosity measurements. Its accuracy, temperature stability, compatibility with various viscometers, and economical price make it the go-to choice for laboratories and industries worldwide. Trust Brookfield for your viscosity needs and experience the confidence that comes with accurate and dependable measurements.
 Brookfield 5000 CPS General Purpose Silicone Fluid

Brookfield 5000 CPS General Purpose Silicone Fluid
