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AASHTO T 107M/T 107 Standards for Cement Tests

The AASHTO T 107 standard, titled "Standard Method of Test for Autoclave Expansion of Hydraulic Cement," provides guidelines and procedures for determining the autoclave expansion of hydraulic cement. This test method helps assess the potential volume change of cement due to the formation of calcium hydroxide and other compounds during hydration.

AASHTO T 107 outlines the testing method using prismatic specimens of cement that are subjected to autoclave conditions. The specimens are measured before and after the autoclave treatment to determine the expansion.

Products associated with AASHTO T 107 include cement samples, which are used to prepare the prismatic specimens. Testing equipment such as molds for specimen preparation, autoclave chambers, and measuring devices may be utilized.

By following the AASHTO T 107 standard and utilizing associated products, manufacturers, engineers, and testing laboratories can assess the autoclave expansion characteristics of hydraulic cement. This information aids in understanding the potential volume changes of cementitious materials during service, ensuring the suitability and performance of the cement in various applications.

AASHTO T 107M/T 107 Standards: Ensuring Consistent Cement Test Results


AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards provide essential guidelines for conducting cement tests, specifically focusing on the determination of various properties in portland cement and hydraulic cements. This essay explores the significance of the words and terms associated with AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards in ensuring accurate and reliable testing results.

1. AASHTO T 107M

AASHTO T 107M is a specific test method within the AASHTO T 107 standards. It covers the determination of specific properties of hydraulic cement.

2. Test Method Covers Determination

AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards cover the determination of various properties in cement. These test methods provide guidelines for conducting tests to ensure consistent and accurate results.

3. Portland Cement

Portland cement is a widely used hydraulic cement in construction applications. AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards encompass testing methods applicable to portland cement to evaluate its properties and performance.

4. Neat Cement Specimen

A neat cement specimen refers to a cement paste without any added aggregates. It allows for the testing of cement properties in a controlled manner. AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards may include test methods specifically designed for neat cement specimens.

5. Combining Values

AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards provide guidelines for combining and reporting values obtained from cement tests. This ensures consistency and accuracy in presenting test results, allowing for meaningful comparisons and analysis.

6. 107M/T 107

The terms "107M" and "T 107" refer to the AASHTO standard designation for cement tests. These designations identify the specific test method within the AASHTO T 107 standards.

7. Either SI Units or Inch-Pound Units

AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards allow for the use of either SI (International System of Units) or inch-pound units when reporting test results. This flexibility accommodates different regional preferences and ensures ease of understanding and communication.

8. SI Units

SI units represent the standardized system of measurement used globally. AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards allow for the reporting of test results in SI units, facilitating international communication and understanding.

9. Test Method

The test method described in AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards provides step-by-step procedures for determining various properties of cement. These test methods are designed to ensure accuracy, repeatability, and reliability in assessing the performance of cement materials.

10. Exact Equivalents

AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards provide exact equivalents between SI units and inch-pound units. This ensures that measurements and values can be easily converted between the two systems without loss of accuracy or precision.

11. Inch-Pound Units

Inch-pound units are the traditional system of measurement used in the United States and some other countries. AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards allow for the reporting of test results in inch-pound units, accommodating regional practices and preferences.

12. Highway Transportation Officials

AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards are developed and maintained by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). This association plays a vital role in establishing and promoting standards for highway construction and infrastructure.

13. Values Stated in Either SI Units or Inch-Pound Units

AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards require that test values be stated in either SI units or inch-pound units. This allows for consistent reporting and ensures that test results are easily understood and utilized in different regions.

14. Regarded Separately

In AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards, values from the two measurement systems, SI units and inch-pound units, are regarded as separate and distinct. This approach acknowledges the differences between the two systems and avoids confusion or ambiguity in reporting test results.

15. Hydraulic Cements

Hydraulic cements are a class of cements that set and harden by reacting with water. AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards encompass testing methods applicable to hydraulic cements, allowing for comprehensive evaluation of their properties.

16. Two Systems

AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards recognize that there are two measurement systems in use: SI units and inch-pound units. By providing guidelines for each system, these standards ensure consistency and accuracy in reporting test results.

17. American Association

The American Association referred to in AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards is the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). This organization plays a crucial role in developing and maintaining standards for the transportation industry.

18. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is responsible for developing and maintaining the AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards. This association brings together highway transportation officials to establish consensus-based guidelines for testing and construction practices.

19. Determination of the Autoclave

AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards may include test methods for the determination of the autoclave expansion of hydraulic cement. This property is an important indicator of the cement's potential for causing disruptive expansion in concrete structures.

20. ASTM Designation

AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards may reference relevant ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) designations. These designations provide additional guidance and specifications for conducting tests on cement, ensuring compatibility and uniformity with ASTM standards.


AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards play a crucial role in ensuring accurate and reliable cement test results. By incorporating the words and terms associated with these standards, such as hydraulic cement, neat cement specimen, and test method, these guidelines provide a consistent and standardized approach to testing cement properties. The flexibility to use either SI units or inch-pound units in reporting results ensures compatibility and ease of understanding across different regions. Ultimately, adherence to AASHTO T 107M/T 107 standards contributes to the quality, performance, and safety of cement materials used in transportation infrastructure projects.
